Chapter 12: 2 Good For U

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"How are Oreo cookies and gummy worms going to add to my dessert Dorian?" Gwen stood wide eyed, staring at the packaged sweets while Annalise buzzed around pouring shots of whiskey.

"Dirt cake. My mom used to make it for me all the time. I saw you using cream cheese and I remember my mom using that in dirt cake so I thought why not?" Dorian's wide, almost innocent smile melted Gwen's hardcore bakers' heart, but only a little. She had always made complicated desserts or unique recipes to impress people and she was never impressed by simple, quick or even silly desserts like dirt cake. Just the thought of the vibrant colored rubbery worms snaking their way through her dessert pan made her shutter.

"Dirt cake ... uh, no." She pushed the packages back toward Dorian.

His face fell. It was like watching a child lose the big balloon he won at the county fair as it slipped from his tiny fingers only to bob goodbye in the wind. Gwen put down her wooden spoon in surprise. Even Annalise put down the liquid amber filled bottle.

"It's just that ... well ... I like to make real desserts." Gwen hated herself as the words exited her mouth. She sounded like a snob. One of those food snobs she hates. There is always one in her classes. The other students made fun of the snob and she would join in on the laughter but now she is realizing that maybe she's the one they need to make fun of. Not only that, but her actions are hurting Dorian. For some reason this dirt cake is important to him, as much as dirt cake can be important.

Annalise was still silent, which was quite unusual for her. She had an opinion on everything and yet, Gwen could tell how her words were making everyone unhappy. It's only cake Gwen! Who knows, she might have fun decorating it with the gummy worms.

"I didn't mean that. I'm sorry Dorian. It's just I have never had it, so I guess I'm a little nervous to make it. Especially if you said your mom made it. I don't want to disappoint you." Gwen added this sheepishly as she reached for the worms. Annalise nudged her in the side. As Gwen glanced up at Annalise she whispered, "Nice save," in Gwen's ear.

"You have never had dirt cake before? Where have you been living, a hole? Scoot over woman and let a man show you how it's done!" Dorian moved quickly to Gwen's side and actually did shove her with his hip. Gwen stumbled causing her to bump into Annalise, who then spilled her drink.

"Not cool you two. Watch it." Annalise licked at her whiskey soaked fingers.

Gwen took the glass of whiskey Annalise had poured for her and went to sit on the stool, watching someone else for once make the dessert. There was a warmth that grew from her belly that wasn't caused by the whiskey currently burning her throat. It grew because watching Dorian fumble to create this confection pulled at her heart. There was something in the joy he took remembering what his mother did, as he mumbled "she did this I think," while putting the ingredients in the bowl. Even at one point tucking his tongue to the corner of his mouth like a little boy concentrating on something important.

"Do you have a hand mixer?" Dorian looked up with sweat already forming at his brow and a smear of powdered sugar across his black vintage tee.

"I have a standing mixer." Gwen hopped up and went to move the heavy appliance to the center of the counter and plugged it in.

"I don't know how to use that. I have only used a hand mixer before." Dorian searched the large red machine.

"Here I'll show you."

She explained how the mixer would do everything for him and what settings to use. They ended up helping each other while creating his dirt cake. She found what he needed and helped him mix up a few things, while he started to layer the cake. Annalise contributed by ordering pizza.

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