Chapter 9: Fight U But Like U

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He finally stopped laughing. Dorian gazes at me, his eyes alight with something Gwen could not put her finger on. Maybe mischief or curiosity. Knowing Dorian it was probably something that would make her laugh, so she smiled. She couldn't help it, he just had that effect on her.

"No, Gwen. That wasn't why we didn't have sex. I promise you I don't have any STD's."

Now she was back to being puzzled again, "Then why?"

He walked over to the cake, grabbed a dish towel and started to take it to the door.

"Hey! It still needs the sauce and I also have brownies in the fridge." Gwen put her hands on her hips flabbergasted that he was just going to leave with the desserts.

"Bring them too, oh and the sauce." He jerked his head indicating for her to follow as he opened her door and walked through.

Gwen groaned. The man was really good at ignoring her questions. She did not like this about him. Not at all. Perhaps she should just stay home and refuse to bring over the brownies and chocolate sauce. He could have the cake. It won't be very enjoyable without the sauce, she smiled to herself.

She made up her mind, until he answered at least one of her many questions she's posed over the last week, she would refuse to do as he said. Two could play at this ignoring game. Gwen turned back around and decided to stir the chocolate sauce to help it cool.

The door swung open for the second time in less than a half hour.

"What are you doing still here?" Dorian's voice rumbled over to her. She smirked, couldn't help it. He brought out this little rebellion in her.

"I'm not coming and neither are my sweet creamy desserts."

She could hear him groan and almost feel his head fall back in frustration. Gwen noticed that about Dorian. When he was frustrated he reacted like a child.

Gwen refused to look over at him, her eyes still focused on the sauce that was only slightly warm now. The sound of the refrigerator opening turned her head to see Dorian stealing the brownies.

"Those are mine! Put them back."

"No. A deal is a deal." He swiftly made his was out the door as Gwen followed. She stopped at her doorway and turned around, shutting the door and locking it.

"There. Let's see him get the sauce." She huffed back to the cooling pot. After a minute she heard the door knob jiggle and couldn't help but laugh. After a few moments he started pounding on the door and then suddenly it stopped.

Gwen was curious and cocked her ear but heard nothing. It really wasn't like Dorian to give up so easily. She was a little disappointed as she kind of liked their little back and forth game.

Then she heard the knob moving again but this time it opened and in walked a grinning Dorian. He held up a key, "Annalise gave this to me a year ago in case she ever got locked out, which I find is every other week. Never thought I would find it useful myself."

Gwen stood there with her mouth wide open as he strolled toward her. She snapped out of her shocked state as he tried to reach around to grab the pot.

"Oh no you don't!" She grabbed the handle and darted into the living room. He went after her. Every time he moved closer she jumped left or right. They were both smiling and she started laughing enjoying the game. Finally he lunged toward her and got a hold of the edge of the copper pot. She had one end and he had the other, so of course a tug of war brewed.

"Give me that chocolate." Dorian pulled but she stood her ground.

"No, it's not yours." Gwen tugged back.

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