Chpt. 3 - Lodge 214

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The town was a quaint little fishing village just off the western coast of Russia. I hadn't looked much into its history since I was here for one reason and one reason only: to assassinate a shield representative and acquire the briefcase in their possession.

That was the mission I had been given on paper although the reason I was here had no correlation. I had made up my mind a long time ago. I would go through the motions. Complete the mission, but there was no way in hell I would return to the Red Room. It had started with doubt, fear, rebellion and although it was originally only a spark of emotion it quickly overwhelmed me and worked as a catalyst for a bonfire. This was decidedly my last mission and I had made peace with it. The monster couldn't be that bad if the monster slays itself...Right? This was what I had banked on, to maybe clear my name so I could at least be forgotten in history rather than die with the reputation I have now.

I climbed down the mountain. As the base of the rocks approached, I paused to remove my coat and hide my gear in the cheesy alligator skin purse I had brought with me. As soon as the sun met the horizon I was dressed and ready to assume an inconspicuous alias.

The main lodge in town was fancy and large with thick brick walls and a welcoming glow coming from the windows. This was where I knew my target would be.

Instead of putting myself at an unnecessary risk I instead headed to the smaller and more humble log building. The door opened and the cold snow whipping at my face was replaced by the warmth of a glowing fire. I stepped in and thankfully nobody seemed to take notice. The counter was to my left and I swerved away from the door and towards it.

"Hello, Black Bear lodge, what can I do for you?" The man behind the counter asked in Russian. My eyes caught a glint from the hand of someone behind me. What was that? A nail? A fork? ....A knife.

I spun around ready to attack when I was met with the smiling face of a burly man holding his keys. I panicked at my mistake before the voice of the concierge interrupted my thoughts.

"Hello, miss? Are you okay?"

I turned back slowly biting the inside of my lip and beating myself up for my paranoia. I cracked a small smile as reconciliation for my outburst.

"...yes..sorry. Room for one please." I responded avoiding eye contact, my attention instead to my peripherals.

The man nodded and from the wall of glinting metal hanging behind his head he procured the key to a single room.

"Room 214."

I snatched the key out of his hand and slapped a wad of money in front of him.

"Keep the change," I said dryly, turning away from his stunned face. The room was full and I held onto my bag like a lifeline as I made my way straight for the stairs. After avoiding several strangers and sneaking past a drunkard in the stairwell I found my room and abruptly stopped in front of the door.

"214" was written over the doorframe in slim elegant paint. I moved forwards and pressed my ear against the door, straining to hear any noises. Nothing. With my hand on my pistol I unlocked the door and slowly entered. Every corner, closet and window had to be checked twice before I accepted that there was no one in my room. I locked the purse in the small safe before collapsing onto the bed.

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