Chpt. 9 - Confrontation

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My breath hitched and I reached for my bow in a moment of terror. Within seconds she was by my side twisting my wrist backwards forcing my fingers back. I hissed at the pain releasing my grasp and dropping my bow. I matched her force with a counter attack smashing her elbow back and using her original force against her. My attack worked but for only a second before she slammed the back of my knee out from under me. I fell but caught my weight before hitting the ground and rolled away to the opposite side of the room. I leaped to my feet ready and facing her only meters away from her trained form. I stood eerily still, her eyes burying themselves in my soul as if she could read me like a book. There was a soft bang from the other room over and her eyes flicked in the direction of the sound. I took the opportunity and forcefully swung my fist towards her jaw. She dropped to the ground, dodging it and moving quickly towards me. She motioned towards my face and I prepared myself to duck when out of her sleeve she produced a cyanic blue stick buzzing with electricity. I barely had a moment to process before I was forced to react. I grabbed the back of her hand forcing it away but like a wheel she spun her arm pivoting around the elbow and stabbed the sticks into my ribs. My nerves exploded with the shock of electricity and I felt like my body was burning alive. I tried to move but my muscles were unable to flex. My vision went double before converging back to the singular world I am used to, the centerpiece being the assassin that was perched upon me.

Her legs straddled my hips and my arms pinned down by her formidable strength. Instead of hesitating as before, I took advantage of my male anatomy, flipping my legs up and forcing her off, switching directions. We rolled and fought for several minutes, the both of us throwing punch after punch. I got in a left hook smashing her face and cracking her lip, blood dripping down her chin. She slipped out from under me and attack me from the back. I jumped up and threw her off, pulling her hair as she fell. Like a cat she launched she landed on her feet spinning towards me. I tried to trip her, violently kicking my legs in an attempt to throw off her balance.

She didn't have a traditional fighting style. She moves like a spider for which her namesake was obvious. She felt like an animal and at the same time danced the ballet of the snowflakes as they fell to earth. She leaped at me but as she moved I bore down hard with my elbow on her collarbone. She winced before recovering. She was getting messy. Messier than before as if she didn't care if she won. A desperate attempt to end the fight she climbed spider like up my body wrapping her legs around my throat. I gagged, ripping violently at her legs in an attempt to escape her unyielding grasp. I struggled to breath as my orientation went askew, the world tipping. Finally, the light started to close in around me, blackness blossoming from the corners of my vision slowly obliterating my sight. This was supposed to be the end, the universe had decided that. It was going to be like this, but despite the injustice the universe has served me on so many occasions, I wasn't ready to surrender. As the last bit of light was closed from my vision and the world took a drastic dip I threw myself forwards at the wall I remembered being there only moments ago when vision remained. I hit it hard, falling to the ground. Accompanying the thud of my body was a far denser bang of a head. immediately the legs around me slackened and fell away from my neck. I sat up quickly, gasping in the air that was newly re-introduced to my starved lungs. Like a collage building before my eyes my sight patchily returned. The black widow leaned against the wall, stature defiant but eyes weary . She held most of her weight against the wall and slowly ran her hair through her fingers and out of her face, paying careful attention to her, already bruising, upper forehead. She kept head head bowed and eyes on the floor as I jumped to my feet, drawing my gun and directing it as her. She still stood unmoving.

"Name and rank." I asked, voice coming out more shakily than intended. She kept her eyes down in submission.

"Black Widow"

"Why aren't you fighting?" I asked again.

She just slowly shook her head.

"Answer me!" I spat out, anxiety and suspicion rising in my throat.

"Do it!" She choked out. Her voice was lower than I expected with a noticeable but well hidden russian accent. I recoiled at her authority and defiance before recovering from the shock and advancing on her. I shoved the gun into her temple and I could hear her shaky breath as she sharply inhaled at the reality of the situation. I hesitated.

"DO IT!" She commanded, her trembling breath now taking manifestation in her physicality as sobs became to wrack her fragile frame.


"I don't-," she shook her head again struggling for the words, "I can't-" Probability told me it was a mistake but I still couldn't shake the pity from my mind. I neglected to put on the safety but whether it was right or not, the gun lowered from her head making its way towards the floor. Immediately after the cold metal parted from her head she grappled at my hand, pulling it up again. "NO! Kill me, do it! The world doesn't deserve me so finish your mission and end me!" The tears were now flowing down her face. I dropped the gun further from the sobbing girl.


A/N Vote or comment if you want me to continue because I'm having a lot of fun writing this one. Ever since the summer's started I've sort of rediscovered my love of writing but I feel like I'm a bit rusty...still it's a good way to look like you're doing work in an aviation summer camp

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