Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Nathaniel was sitting on Sven’s throne as Mary stormed into the room very furious. Nathaniel noticed the red haired woman and burst out laughing as in the instant that she rushed in he read her mind. He didn’t need compulsion or anything, Mary wasn’t the best at blocking her thoughts to other supernatural creatures although she was a vampire for centuries but her emotions weakened her. 

“What are you laughing about you demon?”-Mary yelled at Nathaniel.

“Well, Mary your mind can read as easily as a human’s, c’mon you are shame to us.”-Nathaniel replied grinning in pleasure.

“Oh sister, sister, sister, I can’t believe we are twins!”-Marc said as he walked in.

“Marc, what are you doing here? Sven will kill you.”-Mary muttered.

“No he won’t!”-Nathaniel and Marc answered at once.

“What makes you so sure?”-Mary asked confused.

“I got a deal with Nathan and I have found out some remarkable things on my journey to Asia and following the tracks of Jason Grey’s ancestors. There is more than we could have ever imagined going on in the supernatural world.”-Marc answered in a proud tone. 

“What does that mean?”-Mary asked as she couldn’t believe her ears.

“We need to set up an army of vampires.”-Nathaniel answered with a note of happiness.

“And you two believe that is what Sven always wanted?”-Mary asked confused.

“Of course, he is the most evil and the proudest vampire that we have ever known in our clan and he is one of the originals.”-Nathaniel answered convinced.

“That’s a point and I’m useful to him because I have met other clans along my journeys and can ask them to collaborate as none of them like Sven very much.”-Marc stated.

Mary was shocked and ran out of the hall. The only vampire that cared for her was now also pointing out her weakness. She never expected that her twin brother would ever leave her side and less that he helped Nathaniel build up a vampire army. What has that prick promised him? What other supernatural creatures are a tread to them? She would have fainted at the news if she was human but as a vampire shock works differently, it feels like the whole body is under electricity and rush of adrenaline goes through the body.  It feels awful and Mary didn’t want to run around the castle like mad vampire. If one is in Paris, one has to behave, especially at The Cursed Veil Council. Suddenly Tess’ ghost appeared in front of Mary who tried to meditate.

“What do you from me ghost?”-Mary asked annoyed.

“I know what troubles you.”-Tess answered.

“Let me guess the now dead Viktor, sends his little bitch to spy on me.”-Mary speculated.

“Nope, I and Viktor decided to operate on different lanes as ghosts.”-Tess answered smiling.

“And who do you think believes that?”-Mary asked grinning as she thought that Tess was joking. 

“You are because I know where Marc has been and what he has seen.”-Tess said in a stern tone.

“How do you know that?”-Mary asked surprised.

“I followed him as I was curious why someone so deeply in love with Jason Grey, leaves Gretna without a trace.”-Tess answered. 

“What has he found out?”-Mary asked curious.

“The Grey family has long dynasty of powerful witches who had deals with fallen ones, their origin lays in Egypt.”-Tess answered. 

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