CHAPTER SIX: Yep, its broke

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~~~Emma's POV~~~
I woke up to a beeping sound and people talking I couldn't open my eyes to see who was in the room and they were talking so low. My leg was in so much pain I felt hot tears rolling down my face. I tried to open my eyes but I was just to tired but didn't have the energy to do it. The only thing on my mind was my baby girl and if she was ok I trust Sam with her but I really didn't know these other people if Paul new the truth he would protect her also. Suddenly I felt a warm hand on mine and I felt all my worry melt away. My eyes began to flutter and slowly open. I seen Paul and Katie first standing across the room with Seth. Sam was the one beside me holding my hand begging me to please wake up.

The really pale man I remember to be the doctor came toward me.

Dr.Cullen-" Emma, it's good to finally see those eyes open."
I tried to talk but nothing was coming out my throat was too dry. Almost as if he read my mind he handed me a bottle of water. I slowly drank it.
Emma-" how long was I out."
Dr.Cullen-" about 3 days a lot longer then you should have been your body was tired and it gave up."
Emma-" I haven't slept much since I hurt my arm and taking care of Katie is a handful."

I couldn't tell him I was terrified to sleep. I just kept thinking about Logan hurting Katie. He started drinking in the past month but I think I'm more scared of what he might try to do if I leave him. He only agreed to let me come here to cut all ties with Sam and he come and tell them I'm moving back.

He wants me all to himself. I couldn't tell Sam the truth but he's the only one I knew could help me and keep Katie safe. Logan is powerful and rich and here lately a crazy drunk. He just started to get possessive and started hitting me when the drinking started.

Dr.Cullen- "how did you break your arm? Sam said you fell but from the looks of it It had been twisted. You only bruised it when you fell this time."

Tears began to fall down my face I wasn't ready to tell them not yet at least. I just got my family back I wasn't ready to loose them. What would Paul think of me? How will they judge me as a mom having my daughter around that.

Sam-" it's ok Emma you can tell us when you are ready."
Emma- " thanks Sam. Doc can go now?"
Dr.Cullen-" yes you may but you are on bed rest for at least the next month since your leg is broke."
Emma-" yea I kinda figured that from the cast."
Dr.Cullen- " stay off your feet and I will give Sam your pain meds and I will come visit you in a week."
Emma- " thanks Dr.Cullen"

I went to sit up so I could use the crutches to walk to the car but Paul came over and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck not wanting to fall. His skin felt so good against mine he was hot like he had fever but I didn't care I was cold.

He sat me gently in the backseat. Then got in the front was he mad at me or did I say something while I was drugged up and out. It didn't take long to get back to Sam's house. Katie had rode back with Nessie and Jacob.

Paul took me upstairs to my bed and then went to leave.
Emma- " Paul are you mad at me or did I do something wrong."
Paul- " no Emma I'm not mad at you."
Emma- " Then why want you talk to me your always there but never really saying anything."
Paul-" Emma I'm trying to let you rest like the doc said."
Emma- " don't leave me please stay just til I fall asleep."

He sighed and layed down behind me. But he didn't touch me. As I began to dose off I felt something warm touch my forehead. Then I heard Paul say something I always wanted him to say.
"I love you Emma and I will always protect you and keep you safe."

Then he was gone and I feel asleep dreaming about Paul Lahote.

Sorry it took so long to update. Hope you all enjoy. Updating before next week will depend on the votes comments and readers. Thank you all who have read and has been waiting on the new chapter.

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