Chapter 13 "Taken"

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The park was pretty much empty. There was a few people here and there walking getting their exercise in I guess. I finally found my phone which fell in between the seats. I had all kinds of messages from the pack wanting to know where I was, the girls also texting me saying that I needed to be careful and get back there soon. Their messages freaked me out because I didn't know what was wrong. I dialed Emily's number and pressed send. I told her I was fine and in Port Angeles. She asked me if I was coming back tonight but before I could answer Katie started screaming Logans name. I looked out the window and there he was, Emily was screaming on the other telling me to run. My car door came flying off. Everything went black.
When I woke I had on hell of a headache and It was dark the bed wasn't hard it was actually pretty confortable. Memories of what had happen came flooding back.
"Katie" I yelled.
Where is she I tried to get out of the bed but i couldn't move on of my arms. One of my arms was handcuffed to the bed. The room looked very familiar. It was the hotel room I rented in Port Angeles.
"Katie!" I yelled even louder my voice sounding very dry and horse.
Still no answer then Logan appeared beside the bed. I didn't even see him come in the room. He was fast faster than any human as he rushed around the room picking up things and saying things to long for my ears to pick.
" Where the hell is my daughter?"
"Shut the hell up before she hears you" he yelled at me hateful
"No I want to know where my daughter is I need to know she is ok"
He ignored every plea I made trying to get him to let me see my daughter, but that didn't stop me I still kept on yelling until he gave me a shot of something to knock me out.

I don't know when I woke up but when I did I was no longer handcuffed to a bed instead there was beeping all around. I recognized the smell because it was an all to familiar smell I was at the damn hospital. I hate this place more than anything in the world.

I looked to my left and seen Paul sitting in a chair right beside me and Katie's small body was in his arms. I smiled up at him and he let out a breath that I'm not even sure he realized he was holding. We just stared at each other because I couldn't come up with the words to say. I could tell by the look in his eyes and the grip he has on my daughter that he knew the truth about Katie. I wasn't sure if he was upset or relieved that I wasn't actually dead. I wanted to be the one to tell him to explain to him that I did what I thought was best for my daughter.

"Paul, what happened, where am I?" I finally said. I didn't realize Seth was in the room until Sam and Emily walked in and Seth took Katie from Paul's arms.

"Emma, you are at the hospital in port Angelas. do you not remember what happened?" Paul said in a worried tone.

"The last thing I remember is Logan giving me something to knock me out. And then waking up here!" I shouted not even realizing that I was shouting. My throat was so dry that's just how my words came out.

Emily walked out of the room to get the doctor and get me some water.

Sam finally spoke up" Emma you've been in the hospital unconscious for the past week. The doctor couldn't find anything medically wrong with you. They are unsure of why you was out for so long. We've all been worried and praying for you to wake up. Katie's been taking it the worse. She has missed you Emma"

By the time he finished talking I was in tears. I looked over at Paul and all the anger he had in his eyes suddenly disappeared and they softened then it was replaced with love and worry. He was worried about me even thought I kept something so important from him. Paul walked over and laid beside me letting me cry into his chest as he rubbed my back and told me everything was going to be ok. Sam left to give us sometime alone. As I cried one thing popped in my head where was Logan and why was he acting like that. I've never since him act so crazy, yes he's hit me and broken my arm. But tying me to a bed and keeping me knocked out was something totally different. I also wanted know how they found me But instead of asking Paul all of the questions I had I just enjoyed being in his arms and thinking god I was alive. There's always latter to figure out all the details.

I'm so sorry it took so long to write this chapter but I hope you all enjoy and please comment what you'd like to happen next and what you like about the story so far.

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