Chapter 19

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Author's Note:

Allright guys here we go with another chapter. i'm so sorry i fall off this story so many times. Welp, sorry if it sucks! Emily xoxooo

Fifteen minutes later Darry rushed through the door with Soda, Pony, and Johnny in tow. "Hey, Summer, how you feeling?" He asked.

"Just peachy." I said through closed teeth for I was in the middle of another contraction. He held his hand out to me and I grasped it and he pulled me up. He supported me as I walked to the car.

We drove in silence except for my uneven breathing. We soon pulled up to the hospital and Darry helped me walk into the hospital. I sat in a chair as Darry talked to a receptionist.

About ten minutes later a wheelchair pulled up to me that was being driven by a nurse. She smiled at me and I sighed and heaved myself into the chair. "So are you excited?" She asked.

"I'm terrified." I said and pushed my nails into my hands.

"I did it three times, honey, you'll be ok." She said. That sort of made me feel better but I knew that many people gave birth every day. She pushed me into a brightly lit room and she helped me into the bed. Within minutes nurses and one doctor surrounded me and the doctor looked me over and checked to see how dilated I was and I began pushing.

It was really scary for me and it was full of pain because I was too far along to get medicine. I tried not to scream and bit down on my lip. I spent almost three hours of pushing and then finally Nicole came out of me screaming. I looked over to the bloodied child who was in the doctor's arms. A nurse cut the umbilical cord and took the baby from the doctor's arms. "Is she ok?" I asked. He nodded and asked me to push again because I needed to deliver the placenta.

About a half hour later I heard the nurses gasp. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Her eyes are so beautiful." One said.

"She must have Dallas' eyes." I said.

"They are ice blue, here you can hold her." She said and handed me my baby who was looking around clueless, making happy gurgling noises. I smiled.

"Nicole, you are so beautiful." I said and she stuck her small hand into her mouth and began sucking on it. "That's adorable!" I squealed.

"That means she is hungry." A nurse named Julie said.

"Oh, I see, well what do I do?" I asked clueless. Nicole started to cry.

"Well, you're going to breastfeed right?"

"Hell no, that'll be painful." I said.

"Oh, well that's ok, lots of people don't breastfeed." The nurse said and handed me a bottle of formula.

"Thanks." I put in in Nicole's mouthand she began sucking. That was easy. I thought with a smile.

Dallas' P.O.V...

I continued pacing my jail cell; I need to get out of here. I need to kill Tim. No one touches Summer and gets away with it. "Guards!" I yelled. They came strolling over to me. I need to make a phone call. I never thought I would be calling Darry to bail me out of here but Tim needs to pay for what he did. I thought enraged.

"What?" He asked with a grunt.

"I need to make a phone call." I demanded.

"Sure." He said opening my cell and letting me out. He walked me down the dim hallway and let me use the phone. I dialed Darry's number and Pony answered.

"Pony, get the money from Darry's bed, you're getting me out of here." I demanded.

"What why?" Pony asked flustered.

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