Chapter 8

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Author's Note:

Welcome to chapter 8! Please vote/comment/fan!!

Emily xoxo


I walked into the house with Dallas holding my hand. I looked around the living room and smiled at the gang as they were all strewn around wherever they chose to sit. “Hey.” I said. Dally wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and he rested his head on my shoulder.

“Hey, Dally!” Johnny said, his face lighting up.

“Hey, Johnny, what’s going on?” He asked.

“Nothing, man, how you feeling?” He asked.

“I’m fine, they stitched me up and now I’m back, badder than ever.” He said. I smiled.

“That’s good; we missed you being around, especially Summer.” He said with a laugh.

“Well, she is my girl, she should miss me.” He said smiling into my neck. I shook my head.

“No, Dally, I didn’t miss you, I went to see you like every day, got kicked out by security when trying to see you, had to deal with a bitch of an old lady but no, I didn’t miss you.” I said. Dallas laughed.

“I’m sure you didn’t.” He said.

“Summer, I need to have a word with you.” Darry said with a hard edge to his voice.

“Ok, talk.” I said.

“Can we go into the kitchen?” He asked.

“Yeah, sure.” I said getting confused, Darry never asked to have a word with anyone.

“You got into a fight on your first day of school, Summer, I’m really disappointed in you.” He said.

“So, what Darry, it’s not a big deal, it wasn’t like I started it.” I shrugged.

“The school is reconsidering if they should let you attend. You’re suspended for a few days until they figure it out.” He said with a shake of his head.

“Seriously?” I asked completely shocked.

“That’s not even the whole of it. The girl you beat up is rich and her mom already complained to the school that you shouldn’t be allowed to go there.” He said.

“Damn, I’ll murder that girl if she gets in the way of me graduating.” I said.

“No, you won’t you’ll murder yourself because you did this to yourself, your dreams could easily be crushed by this girl.” He snapped.

“I’m sorry, Darry.” I said.

“Sorry isn’t going to fix anything.” He said.

“Whatever.” I said rolling my eyes and walking back into the living room. Dallas’ eyes flashed to me and I smiled.

“What’d super dope need?” Steve asked.

“Nothing.” I said with a reassuring smile.

“Sounded like  a pretty heated conversation for nothing.” Dallas said.

“Shut up, Dallas, it’s nothing.” I said.

“I’m sure it’s nothing, we’ll talk about this later baby.” He said. I rolled my eyes.

“So, have you two done the nasty?” Two-Bit asked.

“Two-Bit!” I yelled, flushing red.

“Well, have you?” He pressed.

“It’s really not any of your business.” I said.

“Oh, come on, Summer, what ever happened to being family?” He asked.

“I’m sure families don’t openly discuss people’s sexual habits.” I said.

“Just tell me!” Two-Bit pleaded throwing his head back.

“Yes, Two-Bit, I fucked her.” Dallas said with an edge to his voice.

“That’s all I wanted to know. How…dirty, I mean isn’t it like incest, sine y’all are like family?” Two-Bit asked.

“Uhm…no it’s not like incest you idiot!” I yelled.

“Well, why not? I think that’s hot.” He said eyeing me.

“Ewe.” I said. “Dallas, can we please go someone else?” I asked.

“I don’t care.” He said with a shrug.

“Let’s go to Buck’s and go to your room.” I said. He smiled.

“That’s what I’m talking about.” Dallas said nodding.

“That’s not what I’m talking about…” I said trailing off.

“Fine, let’s go.” He said taking my hand and dragging me out of the house.

“I’ll be back later, Darry!” I yelled.

Dallas and I were almost to Bucks when he began talking. “So what did you and Darry talk about?” He asked.

“School.” I said.

“What about school?”

“I’m not going to be going for a few days or not going back ever.” I said.

“Why?” He asked.

“The girl I fought has a lot of money and her mom doesn’t want me going to that school because I might be a danger to her daughter.” I said with a roll of my eyes.

“So… tomorrow you’ll be with me?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Well than we can have some fun!” He said.

“Not in your condition you’re not!” I yelled.

“You can be on top.” He said with a wink.

“Dallas!” I exclaimed playfully punching him in the face.

“Yeah, baby that’s what I like to hear!” He said with a laugh.

“Yeah, you’re funny.” I said. Dallas held the door open for me and took my hand and dragged me upstairs. He pinned me against the wall and began kissing me. I gladly kissed him back but I wasn’t going to let it go any further. He stopped kissing me and I stared into his eyes and a smile crossed his face.

“Come on baby, it’ll be fun.” He said with a wink.

“Dally, you’re hurt.” I said.

“Not that badly.”


“Just try, if you hurt me I’ll let you know and then you can stop.” He pleaded his eyes soft and pleading.

“Fine, but I swear if you die during this, it’s not my fault.” I said.

“I won’t die. I’m Dallas Winston and I get what I want.” He said with a wink. I laughed.

Everything's Changing- A Dallas Winston Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now