Chapter 7

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Author's Note:

Hello! Welcome to Chapter 7! Please vote/comments/fan and you'll recieve a free glitter unicorn or any majestical animal of your choice and maybe a dedication!

Emily xoxo


I woke up to the annoying noise of my alarm clock. I really missed that noise. I said throwing my pillow at it. It didn’t turn off and now I didn’t have a pillow. Damn, I can only wish. I thought getting up. I picked turned on the light and screamed when I saw a body in my bed. “Soda! I forgot you were in here.” I said. “I need to get ready, so go wake up Pony.” I said. He rolled over and groaned. I shrugged and opened my dresser. I picked out black ripped jeans and a pale pink long sleeve tee and I put on my converse and walked into the bathroom. “Pony! Get up!” I yelled and I heard him yell something but I couldn’t understand him. I let my hair out and decided that I would straighten it. I ran my brush through my curls and then blow dried it while running my brush through it. I didn’t have a real flat iron but I guess that this processed worked just the same. I put on eyeliner and bright pink eye-shadow and mascara. I walked downstairs and flipped on the living room light and was shocked to see that Two-Bit and his girl were still going at it. “Ewe!” I yelled. “Please stop that right now!” I yelled. Two-Bit looked at me and his girl got off of him.

“What did you do that for?” Two-Bit asked.

“Hello, I sit on that couch and I prefer it to not have any disease on it.” I said grossed out. I walked into the kitchen and began making myself some fruit salad. I cut up bananas, strawberries, apples, and threw some blueberries in it. I sat down and began to eat my breakfast. Ponyboy walked in looking disheveled. “Hey little man what’s up?” I asked.

“I’m tired and Soda disappeared.” He said with a worried look in his eyes.

“No he didn’t he’s in my bed.” I said with a shake of my head.

“Why?” He asked.

“You were snoring and Two-Bit was having sex on the couch and that was his only option other than the hallway floor.” I said.

“Damn, I didn’t knew I snored.” He said and grabbed a glass of orange juice and a bowl of cereal and sat down across the table from me. I shrugged and finished my food and washed my dish. I walked back upstairs and picked out one of my bigger purses and threw a notebook and pencil into it and walked back down the stairs. I heard Darry’s door open and his heavy footsteps walk down the stairs.

“Are you ready for school? You’re going to be late.” He mumbled running a hand through his hair.

“Yeah I’m ready. Come on Pony! It’s time to leave!” I yelled.

“I know.” He said and walked out the door. I followed him as he walked down the street and stopped at Johnny’s house. Johnny walked outside and he began talking to Pony quietly. I swear those two are gay. I thought.

We got to the school and neither of them were talking to me, they were having a very serious discussion about geometry. I rolled my eyes and thanked God that it was May and that I was graduating in June. I hoped I wasn’t out for too long and that the curriculum isn’t too different from back home. I walked up the steps to the school and I was greeted by some smiles but some dirty looks from girls who looked like socs. I rolled my eyes and looked toward the office. I guess that’s where I’m supposed to go. I opened the door and walked into a taller guy with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes with a rim of green towards the center. “Ooh, sorry.” I said and backed up.

Everything's Changing- A Dallas Winston Love storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz