Chapter Ten

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I woke up hearing a zipper being pulled. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and watched as Tyler closed his bag. He looked around the room and his eyes fell on me, his usual smirk was turned down at the corners and he looked sad. Then he saw that I was awake and the sadness turned to guilt and surprise; he hadn't expected me to wake up.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he whispered, sitting down next to me.

"Sneaking out on me?" I teased, only half joking.

"I actually do have to go, something came up, but I was going to wait until you had woken up so I could say goodbye," he looked at his hands and then tucked them into his pockets after realizing that he was holding his car keys.

"Nice of you to wait," I said, pretending I didn't notice the fact that he was lying. "Looks like I won't have to charge you rent after all."

"Maybe I'll come back and you can charge me rent then," Tyler cracked a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Maybe," I whispered. We sat there for a moment in silence, me not wanting him to go and him, well, stalling, I guess.

"Thank you, for everything," he gave me another fake smile and stood. I followed his lead and walked him to the door. Tay was already gone, having left for work, so we were alone. I opened the door and we stood there, him outside with the sunrise outlining his silhouette and me inside, facing the light. He was looking at me and I was studying the pattern in the carpet on the floor.

Tyler reached out and ran his fingertips down my arm. My skin tingled where he touched me and my eyes snapped up to his. He linked his fingers with mine. "Andi," he whispered, leaning in.

My eyelids closed of their own accord and my lips parted. I could feel his cool breath on my skin and I felt myself leaning in. Why was I doing this? He had been trying to sneak out not moments ago after I'd fallen asleep on him, crying, and now I was trying to kiss him.

I cleared my throat and took a step back. His arm fell to his side and he looked injured. "Well, goodbye," I said rather bluntly.

"Andi, darlin'," he whispered, catching my hands and pulling me to him until our lips were an inch apart. I wouldn't look at him. "Andi, look at me." I shook my head and our noses brushed. He chuckled a little.

"Tyler, stop, you can't just do that," I said.

He let me go and I saw the sadness flash in his eyes followed by confusion and anger. "Why not?"

"Because you were sneaking out on me after I told you everything! You never even asked if I was okay!" I shouted.

"Are you okay, Andi?"

"It's too late to ask now, Tyler!"

"Well, what do you want me to do?" He demanded, "I can't do anything to help you. I can't even fucking call you. I can't be your knight in shining armor, no matter what you think. It just isn't me, and I won't apologize for being myself," he spat. I watched as he turned on his heel and threw his stuff in his car.

"I thought friends were supposed to care for each other, not just get up and leave when the other one needs them! You were the one who wanted this in the first place!"I yelled.

"Dammit! I wanted more than this and you and I both know it, but I couldn't have it, you wouldn't let me. I took what I could get because I knew you were different; I knew I wanted you. But you turned me down, you keep turning me down, and I can't fucking help you! I wish you would stop looking at me like I could solve all of your problems; I'm not that guy. There's nothing I can do that will make you feel better. I can't stay in one place, I don't want to be tied down, we always argue, and I can't bring back your parents, Andi!"

The blood drained from my face; I couldn't believe he had just said that after last night. I'd told him everything; he knew how much that would hurt me.

"I-I'm sorry. That was out of line," he stuttered.

"You can bet your ass it was out of line," I replied, sounding much stronger than I felt.

"I shouldn't have said that Andi, I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"No. I can't. I shouldn't have even let you come waltzing into my life. Everyone said you were trouble and that was exactly what I didn't need. I didn't want to believe them because you seemed genuine and kind, but I should've known better. I shouldn't have given you my number, I shouldn't have danced with you, I shouldn't have picked you up when you were drunk, I shouldn't have let you stay here when you showed up after not talking to me for a month and I definitely shouldn't have agreed to be your friend," once the words started flowing, I couldn't make them stop, and they continued tumbling out of my mouth without me even knowing what I was going to say. "The funny thing is that I wanted you to be trouble, I wanted you to be the you everyone said you were. I wanted to believe that someone like you could love someone like me because I thought I could love you, too. But I was wrong, you aren't my friend; you clearly don't love me. I can't believe  I thought this might work out in any way, shape or form. Just- just fucking leave, Tyler. I don't want to see you again."

He stared at me for a minute, speechless, as several emotions flickered across his face. I saw surprise, pain, and anger, but he wiped them all away and closed himself off to me. Then he got into his car, slammed the door and drove away.

Author's Note

Hey, hey, hockey fans! Please vote and comment to let me know what you thought of this chapter! I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update with school and all of the lovely things that come with it going on, but I'll try my best to update frequently. Thank you for your support! xox

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