Chapter Thirteen

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"Hello?" A groggy, deep voice came through the speaker on my phone.

I checked my phone; it wasn't that late in Victoria, I didn't understand why Jamie was asleep. "Hey, Jamie, it's Tyler."

"I have caller I. D., dipshit."

"Okay, well, you sounded confused and like I woke you up."

"You did."

"Why the fuck were you sleeping, man?"

"It's called a nap; they're nice. Why are you calling me?"

"Can't a bro talk to a bro?"

"Shut up,  Seggy, you're so full of shit. What happened?" If he had been here, he would've rolled his eyes and punched me in the shoulder.

I sighed, "There's a girl."

"Dammit, Tyler, you're gonna have to be a little more specific. We both know how many girls you've been with," he was irritated; this was not what I had been hoping for when I'd gotten the idea to call Jamie.

"Okay, okay. She's a particular girl, and I-" I wasn't sure how to explain it.

"She's not just any other girl, is she?" He asked; that was why I had called him instead of trying to talk to Del Zotto again.


"Well, do tell," Jamie replied. 

"I met her at the country music festival. She brushed me off and sent me on my way, but then I saw her that night at a club. I got her number and later she picked me up when I was drunk, which surprised me because she ran away from me at the club in the middle of a dance. She got me a hotel room and stayed the night on the couch, so I got us breakfast. She agreed to be my friend and then I took you and Jordie to the airport. Then I saw her again at the festival and we danced and she didn't run. Then I saw her off and promised to call."

"You didn't, did you? And now you want to know what to say because it's been two months," Jamie interrupted.

"Actually, I called her a month later as I was driving to Austin, where she lives. She let me crash at her place, we went fishing, I grabbed her and pulled us both into the river. We picked up her friend and went to dinner and laser tag. We were going to grab pizza afterward and she ran into an ex-boyfriend. He was a dick so I knocked him out."

"Wow," Jamie whistled, "What do you need help with, exactly?"

"Hang on, I'm not done yet. She broke down after seeing him and then told me about her past. She fell asleep on my shoulder and I fell asleep, too. I woke up when her friend left for work and I started packing. Before you ask, nothing  happened. Del Zotto assumed it was the walk of shame-"

"You told Del Zotto??" Jamie was disappointed. "Jesus, Tyler, you're an idiot. Why would you tell him? He's got a big mouth and he's almost more of an idiot than you are!"

"Jamie! Shut up! I'm still not done. I was about to leave when she woke up and I lied about it saying I was going to wait for her to wake up. She saw through it, I know she did. But I couldn't stay, Jamie. She wanted me to be her hero and save her from her past; I can't do that, it isn't me."

"Y- mmm," he paused.


"Never mind. Keep talking, I'll tell you at the end," he said.

"Okay, well, she walked me out and then I tried to kiss her and she backed away and then we fought and I told her I couldn't be who she wanted me to be because it wasn't me and I wasn't going to change. She told me that she never wanted to see me again and some other stuff, so I left. Michael and I went to California and the Playboy Mansion. On the way, I explained it to him and he basically told me to forget her and have fun," I paused for breath and heard Jamie snort. "It was actually pretty shitty when I wasn't drunk. Then we went to the Astros game the other day and she was sitting behind us. She yelled at Del Zotto and the girl I brought with me. She called her a whore-"

"Who called who a whore?"

"Andi called the girl I went with a whore. And I told her that it could've been her."

Jamie groaned.

"Later I caught a ball and she gave me this look when our arms brushed and I wanted to kiss her. But I didn't. She looked hopeful, too. And then I wrapped my arm around the girl I had brought with me and tried to forget Andi, but I couldn't. I still can't and it's been almost a week. So I called you."

"First of all, how do you feel?"


"Answer the question, Seggy. Just do it, I know it's not something I usually ask, but still."

"Fine," I sighed, "I really liked her. Then after we fought, I hated her. I tried forgetting her over and over again but I couldn't. She was stuck in my head, even when I was with other girls. And at the game I was surprised and scared, I guess, and confused. I want to hate her still; I don't want to change..."

"Bro, you're already a little different."

"I was afraid of that."

"Love does that to you, or so I've heard," Jamie said.

"You had another comment, what was it?"

"Oh! You're an idiot. You said you couldn't be her knight in shining armor, but you already had been. You punched that guy out and listened to her, girls dig that."

"Do they?"

"Yeah. I don't usually do the whole listening thing, but the punching works all the time," Jamie affirmed.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind," I rolled my eyes.

"She knows about your little adventure with Del Zotto, doesn't she?" Jamie sounded amused, which he shouldn't be because I was pretty sure that she did know and that she was pissed about it.

"Probably," I admitted.

"God, you're so dumb. And you know what else?"


"You would've gone back if it had been you and me in that car. But it was Michael-Bad-Influence-Del-Zotto and he probably told you love is stupid," Jamie laughed.

"He did say something like that."

"See? This is why you shouldn't hang out with that moron. You should hang out with me, I can help you."

"Okay, then, Benn, help me," I growled.

"You're in love."

"I don't want to be in love," I complained.

"Well, I can't help with that; that one's on you, buddy. I can help you get her, but I'm not going to help you lose her because if she made you feel something more than lust in such a short time, she's special. Plus, you don't need my help losing her; like you said, she's already pissed at you."

"You're a great friend, Chubs," I muttered sarcastically.

"Anytime, Seggy. Let me know how it goes with, uh, what's her name?"


"No, dude. What's her real name?"

"Andrea Darwin."

"Okay, well let me know how it goes with Andrea Darwin."

"Bye, Jamie."

"Bye, Tyler."

Author's Note

Hey, hey, hockey fans! Please vote and comment to let me know what you thought of this chapter. Thanks a bunch!! xox

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