Chapter Seven

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Caroline insisted on coming over before my party to help me get ready. I think a part of her thought I might ditch out on my own birthday if she didn't personally deliver me there, and she was probably right. Odds are if she didn't come over, I'd be backing out of this whole thing. Because as much as I want to see Levi again, the idea of going back to Potter Falls fills me with severe anxiety.

But Caroline shows up at my front door, on time for once. Her arms are draped with designer clothing and two strangers stand behind her looking completely unfazed.

"What's all this?" I ask, self-consciously tugging my sweatshirt down over my yoga pants as I take in the stylish duo.

"This," Caroline says, pushing past me and dropping the clothes onto my green couch, "is Sasha." She pulls the good-looking bald man into the apartment and snakes an arm around his shoulder as if that explains everything.

"How do you do Sasha?" I'm trying to be polite but I still keep my eyes on Caroline. "I told you not to go overboard," I remind her.

"Oh honey," Sasha hoots, clapping his hands together, "she went overboard, all right!" He takes my hands and spreads my arms apart, giving me a once over.

"Sasha is your birthday present, along with Mia here." Caroline points to the petite Asian girl who is pulling beauty products from a leather case and then turns back to me. She folds her arms across her chest, like she's preparing for a battle.

"You should be saying, thank you, Caroline. Thank you for thinking about me on my birthday and going to these extreme lengths to get Sasha and Mia to agree to come over and fix all... this." She waves her hands in my general direction and creases her face with dissatisfaction.

Sasha gives me a sympathetic look, but is nodding in agreement. "She's right, girl, you should be thanking her for all we gonna do for you."

I laugh at the ridiculousness of this situation, but eventually succumb to their madness because there is no arguing with Caroline. Begrudgingly, I let them have their way with me, listening as they debate for what seems like forever over my "look". They brush my hair, straighten my hair, and then curl my hair. The whole process is exhausting, but Caroline loves every minute of it, and hangs over Sasha's shoulder the entire time putting her two cents in.

I'm not sure if it's worth all the effort, because the end result is still just me, maybe a bit more sparkly, but still the same old Ellie. The jeans may be a bit tighter and the black sweater a tad tighter than something I would've chosen on my own, but the whole look isn't too different—just more expensive.

Caroline talks Sasha into doing her hair too, for free of course, and then with a bunch of air kisses and "fabulous" thrown all around, she sees both of them out the door.

For the first time in hours it's quiet, and I take a second to just sit down on my bed and breathe.

"You ready for this?" Caroline asks, walking back into my room. Restless excitement riddles her question, mirroring the same feeling churning inside me.

"I'm never ready for this," I confess.

And it's the truth, because the thought of seeing Levi and starting everything all over again scares the hell out of me. I have no idea how I'm going to change things this time around, or if I even can, but I push those thoughts to the side and try to focus on him, and those first few moments where everything's perfect.

"Well," Caroline says, taking my hand and hauling me up from my bed, "there's no time like the present to face your past."

I groan, but she won't hear it.

The Return (Book One in the Wattpad Featured Return Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon