Chapter Nine

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The crowd surges again, and I'm so caught up in old memories that I end up tripping over a large root, and fly into some random girl who roughly shakes me off of her. I'm tousled back and forth for a bit until I'm finally able to get my footing. When I finally feel steady, I start using my elbows, aggressively plowing my way through the mob, and fighting against the current of bodies, trying to get out of this mess.

I spot Derrick a few feet away tackling some rival basketball player from Jefferson. He's got the poor guy in a headlock and is repeatedly punching him. I duck around two girls clawing at each other and push some sophomores I recognize out of my way. All I can think about is getting to him, but just as I'm getting close, someone rams into my back.

I go careening forward, landing on my hands and knees in the flattened grass. Stunned, I flip around to find Nina standing in the middle of the bedlam, looking down at me with her hands on her hips and a satisfied sneer on her face.

I drag myself up, preparing to charge, but one of her friends grabs her by the wrist and yanks her away. She disappears into a crowd of girls, and I glare after her, forgetting the madness around me, and focusing on nothing but the contempt I feel.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by a bunch of guys, who are so all-consumed with their own brawl that they don't even notice when they plow into me. I go staggering to the side, and throw my back up against a tree, craning my head, looking for Derrick again.

When I spot him still fighting with the kid from Jefferson, I don't even hesitate. I take a deep breath and dive back into the herd. Determined this time, I ram my way through the sea of people until I get to him. He's just about to strike another blow, and I grab onto his arm right as he pulls back.

His elbow connects with my face, and everything goes hazy. I see stars, and stagger back, but a pair of strong hands miraculously grab onto me. I don't hit the ground, but warm liquid oozes into my mouth and I cringe at the metallic taste when I recognize it. Blood.

Somewhere, far away I hear Caroline's voice on a microphone. She's reassuring everyone that everything's okay, and encouraging them to go back to having fun, or the cops are going to show up.

I raise my hands to my throbbing face, and when I blink open my eyes Tyler, Mr. Craig's son, is holding onto me. He takes me by the arm and ushers me through the crowd, repeatedly asking me if I'm okay. The music starts back up again and through the haze of the fire pits I make out the last of the skirmishes being pulled a part.

Everyone moves out of our way; a few people even stop and stare. That's when I know I must look pretty bad.

Tyler sits me down on a bench and squats down in front of me, moving my head back for a better look. "You sure you're okay?"

I nod, holding my cupped hands under my face, attempting to catch the blood dripping off my chin before it ruins more of my jacket.

Tyler asks some people nearby if they have anything to stop the bleeding. Some guy offers his T-shirt, but thankfully Tyler declines.

At that moment, Derrick smashes through the surrounding crowd, looking frenzied. "Jesus Christ, Ellie! You're bleeding!" He skids onto his knees in front of me, pushing Tyler aside, and grasping onto the back of my calves. "Are you okay? I didn't see you standing there! I'm so sorry!" The guilt wells up in his eyes as he apologizes, but Tyler elbows him out of the way.

"What the hell were you thinking? You're lucky she's not hurt worse!"

Derrick looks taken aback by Tyler's tone, and frankly so am I. I mean, I know they've never really gotten along, and I know I'm bleeding, but nothing's broken. Tyler could stand to relax a little.

The Return (Book One in the Wattpad Featured Return Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora