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I laid in bed all day crying into the pillows until the lady came and told me to start getting ready. Her voice reminded me of nails scratching against a chalkboard and cringed, the thought stuck swirling in my head.

"Make sure you look nice,we have family coming over." She said and walked out of the room,closing the door behind her. Her heels clicked down the hall slowly before the sound faded away entirely.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on,ignoring my puffy red face. I stripped down and climbed into the hot water tears threatening to break out again.I was about to go celebrate a fake birthday and have a good time. I wasn't,but I would do it so I didn't end up murdered. I shuddered as the word replayed over and over again in my head until I finally started washing my hair. I rinsed off and got out,wrapping myself in a skinny towel and walked back out in the room.

I opened the closet and picked out a simple black dress quickly throwing it on. I brushed through my hair, wincing as my hair got stuck in the brush multiple times. Finally done, I slammed the brush against the dresser and walked out of the room.

If I wasn't about to celebrate a fake birthday I would be happy,but since I wasn't this was the worst party ever.

My ears sharpened towards the sound of multiple voices coming from downstairs, the hum seeming to melt into white noise. I took a shaky breath, reminding myself it would all be worth it when the man and woman were rotting behind bars.

Heads turned my way and the talking stopped completely as I reached the floor. Their eyes seeming to melt into my skin. Creepy.

"Oh sweetheart! You look so amazing!" The lady squealed, rushing to my side, laying a cold hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks...mom." I forced out and choked back a sob.Tears welled up in my eyes and I forced them back telling myself it would be ok.

"She looks amazing." Someone called out from the crowd. I scanned the rows of faces, suddenly feeling shy.

I gave them all a fake smile and glanced around for a door. I spotted one at the very front and darted to it my legs pumping and my heart racing. Maybe I could make it. I had to be faster than the majority of the people here.

"Stop her!" The lady and man screamed in unison. If this wasn't a serious situation, I would've laughed.

I burst out the front door and ran ignoring the feet slamming on the gravel road behind me. My chest burned from the running and I felt tears washing down my face. A main road came to view and I picked up speed when I felt myself being picked up. I breathed in shakily, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins.

"No! No! Don't take me back!." I screamed as someone dragged me back to the house. I smacked him in the face and kicked but it did nothing and soon I was in my room,the man leaning over me.

The lady had continued the party and sent the man and I upstairs. I was currently shaking from fright when he raised a hand and brought it down to my face. I cried in pain as he dragged me off the bed and kicked me in the ribs, causing me to let out an ear piercing scream. I grabbed my side gently, pain riveting throughout my entire body. I let out a tiny groan, my shoulders quivering from my silent sobs. I curled into a ball, feeling blood run down my face from my nose.

"Don't ever try to run again." He hissed.I sobbed in reply earning me another kick.

"Clean yourself up and be downstairs in 15 minutes." He growled and walked out,slamming the door.

I laid on the ground for a bit, allowing the blood to flow from my nose before I finally had the courage to stand up. I grabbed the edge of the bed and pulled myself up, slowly trudging to the bathroom. I gazed into the mirror as I dabbed my nose with a towel, wincing slightly as the pain seemed to send a shock of pain through my head. When I looked presentable as possible, I left the room to head back downstairs.

  The party continued as I walked down the music and laughter even louder. I headed to the kitchen and glanced for a possible back door, frowning when my I turned up empty handed. I headed to the living room, planning to try and go out that way again, but everyone was blocking the way, making it impossible.

"Here sweetie have some lemonade." The lady called holding the lemonade out.

"I don't want lemonade." I snapped and walked away feeling slightly dizzy.

I tried looking for more doors and smiled when I found a basement door. I jiggled the door knob and let out an exasperated sigh as it was locked.

"It's time for cake!" The lady shouted to the crowd.

I turned and started to look for somewhere to hide when someone grabbed me.

"We need the guest of honor." Someone whispered to me.

"I can walk myself." I hissed wiggling out of the persons arms.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down playing with my hands as they sang happy birthday. At the end they all waited for me to blow out the candles, but they only earned a blank stare.

"Blow out the candles honey." The lady said.

"No,it's not my birthday." I wheezed out after holding a breath.I tried getting out of my chair but was trapped as hands settled on my shoulders and forced me down.

"Non sense it is your birthday." One of the ladies chirped.

"NO IT'S NOT." I screamed slapping the table.

The room fell silent and I flinched away when the man raised his hand and brought it across my face. Pain flowed through my body as blood began to pour from my nose again. I winced bringing a hand up to my face and dabbing it gently.

"Don't ever talk like that again,now blow out the candles. You still have presents." He said with a scowl as he sat back down.

I sat there, staring blankly before I opened my mouth, blood running into it. I breathed out, watching as the candles flickered before finally burning out, leaving the kitchen in almost pitch blackness. I licked the metallic taste off my top lip, gently running a hand across the blood on my face.

"Quit crying sweet heart,it's supposed to be a happy day." The lady cooed. I blinked up at her, not even realizing I was crying before I quickly wiped the salty tears away.

"I'm not crying, just upset that you don't even know your own daughters name." I replied with sweet sarcasm, earning a glare from the man.

"Because you've never told us." She said a frown on her face. She tapped her chin lightly, confusion suddenly clouding her face.

"And I won't ever tell you—mom." I added with sarcasm once again, letting the last word drawl out. She wasn't even fazed by it.

"Well we'll give you a new name then. Honey what should we name her?" She asked a grin on her face.

"Let's name her Autumn,after all,Autumn is the most perfect name out there,isn't it?"

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