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Paisley would try talking now and then,but other than that,we could only listen to the squeaks of the rats and our sobs. The rope was starting to tear into my skin and I cried out in pain as I struggled to get them free. Light from upstairs shined down onto us,and the old woman was walking down and had...ashes?

"Girls,let me tell you how I teach you a lesson. I throw ash on you,causing you to not be able to breathe. Trust me it's worse than your fathers way. I wish I didn't have to do this,but you almost got away with telling somebody. And then look what I had to do...I had to murder someone in public!" She said walking around the chairs.

So basically she was going to suffocate us. What fun this was going to be.

Paisley made a strangled cry as the old woman stopped in front of her. She picked up a handful of ash and threw it in her face. I watched,horrified as she struggled for breath,the ashes blocking her nose. I struggled to get out,to do anything when Paisley started crying. She couldn't get any air in! She struggled for awhile before her head slumped forward. Tears formed against my eyes. I couldn't tell if she was dead or alive.

"Well,let's hope she wakes up." The woman said shaking her head as she walked over to me.

She threw the ash in my face and I tried sucking air through my nose. Ash came up my nose,and blocked the airway to my throat. I gave a strangled cry before trying again. I glanced up to see the old lady climbing up the stairs,laughing,and slammed the door shut.

It was pitch black and I couldn't breathe. I struggled to get my hands free,but nothing worked. The ropes only got tighter and tighter around my wrists,and it was starting to burn.

The world started getting blacker than it should have been and I closed my eyes,falling into the blackness.

    When I came to,I heard Paisley crying softly. I shook my head,my belly rumbling with hunger. I made a faint noise,and Paisley paused her sniffling,before making strangled cries. The light shone down,and the old woman climbed down the stairs looking stressed.

    "Alright girls. I have to go to my country home. I have to lay low for that murder. Nicole is upstairs resting,don't wake her up." She said tiredly removing the gags from our mouths.

    "You evil son of a—"I paused and winced as she raised a hand. She put her arm down slowly and undid our hands.

     "How long were we sleeping?" Paisley asked rubbing her wrists.

    "Four days." The old woman hissed before undoing the ties on our legs.

     Paisley ran over to me and I enveloped her into a hug. She was still sniffling softly and she grabbed my hand,pulling me up the stairs after the old lady had climbed up. I watched slowly as the old lady shuffled out the doorway slamming the door closed behind her.

    "We need to escape somehow." I said glancing at Paisley.

    "Why don't we just run away?" She asked squeezing my hand.

   "Because,then the man would end the game." I said sadly shuffling towards the kitchen. Pizza boxes sat on the counter and I threw them away,before picking up take out boxes. The food was warm inside and I handed a box to Paisley before opening my own.

    "It's, spaghetti." Paisley pointed out eating it.

   I had gotten pasta noodles with butter and sauce over it.

I scarfed the food down,before throwing my trash away.

"Paisley,we need to get some sleep to get our strength back." I murmured softly watching her head drop forward.

"Alright,fine." She whined walking towards the stairs.

I dropped her off at her room before walking to my own room. I changed into pajamas,the weight of my exhaustion weighing down on me.

I dropped onto the bed,ignoring the fact of how dirty I probably was and fell into a dream filled sleep.

"I can't believe you did this." The man hissed grabbing a knife.

"I didn't mean to I swear! I just wanted to escape from here!" I screamed back,backing up until I hit a wall.

Nicole and Paisley were already dead,laying on the floor in a pool of blood. Knives stuck out of their chests and their last words echoed in my head.

   'You promised you would help us escape'

    I screamed as the man plunged the knife in my chest and I felt myself falling,until I hit my knees and collapsed to the ground.

    "Sometimes promises can kill you. Remember that." The man spat in my face and then blackness.

I sat up,breathing in gulps of air,and wiped the sweat from my face. We needed to escape as soon as possible.

I glanced at the clock by the bed stand and sighed as I saw it was 1 a.m. I got up and stepped out of my room and down the stairs. The house was an eerie quiet as I walked towards the front door. I opened and stepped out into the cool air and walked to the end of the driveway. The road was silent,but I raised my eyes as I saw a car headed towards the house. The headlights were bright,and they stopped and a woman got out,holding some mail. She had headphones on and she was singing off key. I stood up and waved my arms desperate to get her attention.

I wanted to get out now.

"Hey!" I yelled my voice becoming hoarser by the minute.

The lady looked up with an eye roll and sauntered over to the gate.

"Kid,go back to bed." She hissed setting the mail in the mailbox.

"No,you don't understand!" I yelled at her becoming angry.

"I think I do understand. You've had a party and you're drunk. No one is up at 1 a.m. and asking for help." She shouted angrily.

I sank to the ground as she huffed and walked back to her mail truck and sped off.

Adults,they would never understand.
Here's the next chapter! Sorry it took so long,I think I have a bad case of writers block. I'm not sure,but I'm going to start working on the next chapter as soon as possible. It's Christmas week and I'm super excited. I'll try to update before Christmas,and if not Happy Holidays!

Thank you all so much for 330+ reads!!! I never thought I would make it past 20 but now here we are,over 300 reads!

Until next chapter!



The Perfect DaughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora