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The party went on forever until it was 1 a.m, when people finally started leaving. The presents they had given me were clothes,shoes,jewelry,and make up. Nothing that could have helped me escape,just things to make me perfect. They all congratulated me on my new name and when they did,I walked off tears spilling down my face.

I had locked myself in my room after putting all the presents away and cried until I had no more tears left. My stomach rumbled,and my throat was dry so I waited until they went to bed and crept downstairs,the house cold and silent.

I made a sandwhich and a glass of water and shoveled the food down making a mental note,to eat and drink,so I wouldn't starve to death. I threw my dishes in the sink, gazing at the front door longingly before climbing the stairs back to the room. Quiet whispers we're being exchanged as I passed their door, stopping in my tracks to listen.

    "She lives somewhat close to the park. She lives in an apartment building, kind of crappy." The man explained quickly, excitement creeping into his voice.

     "And the schedule of the parents? Did you figure them out?" The woman asked, her voice slightly snippy.

   "Her parents are drug addicts. Completely out of it. Trust me, we've got this." He mumbled back, before the room fell silent.

I froze when I heard them talking about kidnapping another girl. I held in my panic, and continued on and into my room,a pounding in my chest. I closed the door with a soft click and walked over to the window,allowing the night time breeze to blow across my face. I took a deep breath, before releasing it shakily.

"Autumn wake up. Dad and I have to go somewhere." The lady screamed in my ear. What a great wake up call.

   I nodded tiredly and listened as she told me to clean the house, telling me it better be spotless "or else." I was terrified for the next girl as the lady cheerfully walked out of the room, and down the hall. They called out a goodbye, and left,the front door slamming behind them.

          I walked from the room, the cold floor seeping into my feet making me shiver. I slowly walked into the kitchen,  eyeing the waffles that sat on the table. I moved to go to the table, when something glinted in the morning sun, causing me to stop. I quickly walked over to the counter, a tiny silver key winking at me in the sun.

      My breath caught in my throat  as I picked up the small piece of silver in my hand,and ran through the house trying all the doors. I tried the last door,which was the basement, and breathed a sigh of relief when I heard a click. I swung the door open and immediately regretted it as the smell of rotting flesh flew up my nose.

    I gagged forcing myself to keep my empty stomach down and I slammed the door closed,locking it back up. I rushed away from the door, and back into the kitchen replacing the key on the counter. I sat at the table in front of the waffles shakily taking a few bites, before cleaning the mess up. I yanked the cleaning supplies from under the sink, the smell of rotting flesh still lingering in the air.

    I began cleaning telling myself I would make it back to my home with Addie and my parents. Someday I was going to escape from this flesh hold and I was going to—someday.


   "Let me go please!" A shrill voice screeched out waking me from my nap.

     I sat up and listened to the racket going downstairs when the lady broke through my door, causing me to jump.

   "Come meet your new sister,and make sure you change out of those cleaning clothes." She said in a sing song voice and walked out.

     I changed into a pair of jean shorts and a yellow top. I walked downstairs to see a girl sobbing on the floor clutching her stomach. I froze before rushing over to her side, mumbling reassuring thoughts into her ear.

  She stared at me before pulling me closer so her lips were next to my ear. "Help me over power him, please." Ice ran through my veins and I jumped back, my eyes wide with fear.

I shook my head quickly, fear coursing through my stomach. My eyes begged her not to, but she ignored me as she climbed to her shaky feet.

   The two people weren't paying attention as the girl dashed into the kitchen and came back out,a knife in her hand. She crept towards them, continuing to send me glances like I was going to approve of what she was doing.

  I shook my head violently causing myself to get dizzy and closed my eyes as I heard the mans hand slap against her arm. I hid behind the couch and listened as the girls screams slowly stopped,and the knife fell to the floor. Blood seeped out from under the couch and I jumped up,the metallic smell in my mouth and nose.

   "Honey go to your room, now!" The woman snapped.

    She didn't have to tell me twice as I ran upstairs locking myself in my room. I willed myself to not throw up,but quickly ran in the bathroom and threw up,tears running down my face.

She tried to escape. Why couldn't she see,that we could have escaped together? She should've been patient, and waited for the right time. I clutched my head in my hands, breathing heavily.

A knock interrupted my thoughts and I heaved myself off the floor and cleaned my face. I opened my door and glanced into the face of the woman.

"Here you go sweetie. We brought your backpack in. Be ready for dinner, your grandmother is coming over. She missed your party so she's bringing gifts." She said smiling down at me. It was crazy how they could go from killing an innocent girl, to throwing a mini party.

I took the backpack with shaky hands. I had my phone with me the night they kidnapped me.

"Thank you." I managed out as she shut the door.

I threw the bag open and threw out all of my school stuff out when my eyes landed on the small flip phone that I always hated.

Tears of happiness washed down my face as I turned the old phone on and immediately regretted it as it made a shrill beep. Heels clicked against the floor and I jumped as the door swung open.

"Alright Autumn give the phone over." She snapped her eyes shooting daggers at me.

"I'm s-sorry M-mom." I whispered handing it over.

"Get ready. I must discard this phone right away." She said more softly as she slammed my door,walking back down the hallway.

  There goes my only chance of escaping but I had another trick up my sleeve. Little did she know that my parents had a tracking device in that little phone.

The Perfect DaughterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz