Chapter 81.

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I am beyond annoyed at Hardin's unnecessary attitude but I hadn't expected him to leave and now that he did I wish I would have made him talk to me about what was bothering him. I am just as stubborn as he is sometimes. I brush the tangles out of my wet hair and put on the light pink lingerie I bought today. I slip a t-shirt over my head and look over my stuff for tomorrow. All I can think about is where he went, I know it I obsessive and a little crazy but I can't help it. I hope he isn't with Molly.

While deciding whether or not to call Hardin, I receive a text message from Steph saying that she won't be back to the room tonight. She might as well move in with Tristan and Nate, she stays there five nights a week and Tristan absolutely adores her. He probably told her about his job on their second date and he probably wouldn't snap at her and leave for no reason. "Lucky Steph." I say to myself and grab the remote for her television, my fingers press the buttons absentmindedly and I settle on a rerun of Friends that I have seen at least one hundred times. I can't remember the last time I just watched television, usually my time is spent with Hardin, studying, or reading. It is nice to just lay in bed and watch a simple comedy, to escape from the pointless fight with Hardin.

After a few episodes, I feel my eyes getting heavy. In my sleepy state my anger momentarily disappears and I text Hardin goodnight, he doesn't reply before sleep overtakes me.

"Shit." A loud thud wakes me up. I jolt up and turn on the lamp to find a stumbling Hardin trying to navigate the dark room.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. When he looks up at me his eyes are red and glossy. He is drunk. Great.

"I came here to see you." He says and plops down in the chair.

"Why?" I whine. I want him here but not drunk and at two in the morning.

"Because I missed you."

"Then why did you leave?"

"Because you were annoying me." Ouch.

"I'm going back to bed, you're drunk and you're obviously going to be mean again.

"I'm not being mean Tessa. And I am not drunk, okay I am but so what?"

"I don't care that you are drunk but it's a school night and I need my sleep." I would stay up all night with him if I knew he wouldn't say hurtful things to me the entire time.

"It's a school night." He mocks me. "Could you be more of a square?" He laughs.

"You should just go." I say and lay back down. I turn to face the wall. I don't like this Hardin, I want my semi-sweet Hardin back. Not this drunk jerk stumbling into my room at two in the morning.

"Aww baby, don't me mad at me." He says but I ignore him. "Do you really want me to go? You know what happens when I sleep without you." He almost whispers.

My heart sinks. I do know what happens when he sleeps without me but it's not fair for him to use that against me when he is drunk and taunting me.

"Fine. You can stay but I am going to bed."

"Why? You don't want to hang out with me?"

"You are drunk and being mean." I finally turn back around to face him.

"I'm not being mean, all I said was you were being annoying." His expression is neutral.

"That's sort of mean to say to someone. Especially when all I did was ask you about your job."

"Oh god, not this again. Come on Tessa, just drop it. I don't want to talk about that right now." His voice is whiney and he slurs his words.

"Why did you drink tonight?" I don't mind if he drinks, I am not his mother and he is an adult. The thing that bothers me is that every time he drinks there is a reason behind it. He doesn't just drink for fun.

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