Chapter 85.

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Hardin leaves shortly after him and Mr. Vance bicker about a football game. I apologize to him for having a visitor but he brushes it off, telling me that Hardin is like family and he is welcome to come by anytime. Visions of Hardin making love to me on the desk take over my imagination and Mr. Vance has to repeat what he said three times before I come back to reality.

I go back to reading the manuscript, I am so into it that I don't realize it is after five when I check the time again. I am an hour late to leave and I have a missed call from Hardin. When I get to my car I call him back but he doesn't answer. When I get to my room, I am surprised to see Steph on her bed. I almost forgot she lives here too, she is never here.

"Long time no see." I joke and sit down my purse before pulling off my heels.

"Yea.." She says and sniffles.

"Are you okay? What happened?' I sit on her bed with her.

"I think Tristan and I broke up." She sobs. It is a strange sight to see Steph crying, she is usually so strong and sassy.

"Why? What do you mean you think?" I ask and put my hand on her back to comfort her.

"Well, we got in a fight and I broke up with him but I didn't mean it. I don't know why I did it, I was just pissed because he was sitting with her and I know how she is."

"Who?" I ask, even though I somehow know who she is talking about.

"Molly. You should have seen how she was flirting with him and hanging on his every word."

"But she knows you two are together, isn't she your friend?"

"She doesn't care about that, she will do anything to get male attention." She says and wipes her eyes. My already strong dislike of Molly has grown even more as I watch Steph cry.

"I don't think Tristan would go for her, I see the way he looks at you. He really cares about you. I think you should call him and apologize." I suggest.

"What if he is with her?"

"He's not." I assure her. I really don't see Tristan running off with the pink haired snake.

"How do you know? Sometimes you think you know people but you don't." She says and looks into my eyes. "H.." She is cut off by the door opening.

"Hey.." Hardin says as he takes in the scene in front of him. "Uhmm... should I come back?" He shifts uncomfortably. Hardin isn't the type to comfort a crying girl. Friend or not.

"No, I am going to go find Tristan and try to apologize." She stands. "Thank you Tessa." She hugs me and looks at Hardin. They exchange awkward glances before she exits the room.

"Are you hungry?" He asks after kissing me hello.

"Yea actually I am." I tell him. I should do some homework for the classes I still have but I am ahead anyway. I really have no idea how or when Hardin actually works.

"I was thinking after we get something to eat, you could call Karen or Landon and see what I should wear to the .. you know. the wedding." The mention of Landon's name tugs at my heart. I haven't talked to him in a few days and I miss him. I want to tell him about my internship and maybe even about Hardin and I. I haven't decided that yet, but I still want to talk to him.

"Yea, I will call Landon. I am excited for the wedding." I tell him. I need to get something to wear to the wedding as well.

"Yea, me too. I am so thrilled. Could I be more excited?" He rolls his eyes and I laugh.

"Well, I am glad you are going. It means a lot to your father and Karen." I praise and he shakes his head.

He has came a long way in the few short months that I have known him.

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