Chapter 83.

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"Are you ready to get up?" Hardin asks at least an hour later.

"I know I should, I just don't want to." I tell him and rub my cheek against his chest.

"I don't want to rush you, but I really have to piss." He tells me and I laugh, climbing off of him and the bed.

"Ow." I say before I can stop myself.

"You okay?" He asks for the thousandth time. His hand reaches out to help steady me.

"Yea, just sore." I tell him. I cringe when I look at my sheets.

"I'll toss them." He pulls the sheets off the small bed.

"Not in here, Steph will see them."

"Okay? So where?" He moves up and down on his heels. He must have been holding his bladder for a while.

"I don't know.. can you put them in a dumpster or something when you leave?"

"Who said I was leaving? So what, you sleep with me and then kick me out?" His eyes dance with amusement. He grabs his jeans and boxers off the floor and puts them on. I grab his shirt and hold it out to him.

"Just go pee, take the sheets out on your way just in case." I don't know why I care so much, but the last thing I need is Steph drilling me for information about losing my virginity.

"I won't look like a creep or anything, carrying bloody sheets to my car at night." He says, I scowl at him and he balls the sheets up and walks to the door.

"I love you." He smiles before walking out.

Now that he has left the room I have a little time to collect myself. I wonder if I look as good as I feel. I feel warm and oddly at peace. The memory of Hardin hovering over me while he moves in and out of me makes my stomach clench. Now I know why people make such a big deal about sex. I really have been missing out, but I know that if my first time wouldn't have been with Hardin it wouldn't have been so amazing. When I look in the mirror, my mouth falls open at my reflection. My cheeks are glowing, my lips are swollen. I squish my cheeks and move my hands around, somehow I look different. It's the slightest of change and I can't quite put my finger on it but I like it. I take a second to admire the small red marks littered across my breasts. I don't even remember when he made them. My mind takes me back to him making love to me, his mouth hot and wet against my flesh. I am snapped from my thoughts by the door opening causing me to jump slightly.

"Admiring yourself?" Hardin smirks and locks the door.

"No.. I .. " I don't know what to say. I am standing in front of the mirror completely naked, fantasizing about his lips on my skin.

"It's cool babe, if I had your body I would stare at myself in the mirror too." He says and I flush.

"I think I am going to take a shower." I tell him while trying my best to cover myself with my hands. I don't want to wash his scent off of my body but I need to wash everything else off.

"I'll take one too." He says. I raise an eyebrow at him and he smiles. "Not together, I know. However, if we lived together we could."

Something has changed in him too, I can see it. It's the way his smile is a little deeper and his eyes brighter. I don't reckon that anyone else would be able to spot the change in him, I know him better than anyone despite the fact that there are still many secrets of his that I plan to uncover.

"What?" He cocks his head to the side.

"Nothing, I just love you." I tell him and his cheeks redden slightly and his face splits into a grin, mirroring mine.

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