Chapter 27

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This amazing cover was made by Marthevillatollef it's awesome!

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"What... What just happened!?" I stammered out in a panicked way, looking at Julia with wide eyes as she closed and locked the bathroom door.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe your boyfriend started to hit on me!" She growled out, kicking the door in anger as she breathes heavily. "What the heck? When did this happen? Tessa, what on earth did you say to him at the competition? Why did you even talk to him in the first place!?"

"I don't know! He came and talked to me! It's not my fault he manages to annoy the frack out of me even when I'm not being me!" I exclaim nervously, pacing back and forth as I begin to mumble to myself.

Oh my God, what the flip just happened!?

One second, everything is just motherflipping dandy; the next, Jordan is ready to gouge out Will's eyes and I feel like smacking him in the face with a rubber chicken!

I swear, I'm too young for this drama.

"...TESSA!" Julia's voice calls abruptly, pulling me from my inward train of thoughts.

"WHAT!?" I snap back in panic, still riled up from the worrisome thoughts running through my mind.

What if Will finds out?

What if he realizes it's me?

What if he knows I lied straight to his face?

What if my Will hates me?

"Okay, first of all, no one will be slapping anyone with a rubber chicken, am I clear?" She starts off, making me nod sheepishly.

I said that out loud?


"Secondly, what is so wrong with him knowing you were skating? It's not like he would tell my mom, so what is the problem?" She continues, raising her eyebrows as she looks at me expectantly.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat as I think of the worst scenario that could happen.

"He could hate me." I say dejectedly, clenching my jaw as a dozen scenes run through my mind.

"Tessa, I doubt he would ha--"

"He could hate me, and I don't know if I could handle the consequences that would come about."


The ringing of the bell pulled me from my hectic thoughts, alerting me that the school day was indeed over. A long, tired sigh escaped my lips as I closed my text book and stood up, ready to leave and not return until tomorrow.

"Miss Hale, could I speak with you before you leave?" The psychology teacher called to me as I passed by.

Halting in my tracks, I sighed once more before turning and nodding my head at her, only earning a warm smile in return. "Sure."

"Great. Well, I actually have good news to give you. Your grades seemed to have picked up. You've managed to raise them from a C+ to a B. Keep this up, and you might be able to make it an A at the end of the year." Mrs. Debinov told me proudly, a slight Russian accent in her voice.

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