Chapter 36 - END

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I like this cover. I think it's fabulous. You like this cover too *wiggles finger hypnotically* you liiiikkeee iiiit....

Dedicated to voguebitc the creator of this lovely cover.

Btw, if y'all forgot what happened in the last chapter, Tessa dear kissed William darling on the cheek, and we are about to watch our otp come together to be adorable and finally be official.... maybe... ^.~

We've finally reached the end!


When I was younger, I used to wonder what life would be like without mistakes. Would it be great? Would there truly be no pain? Would people be spared from all the bad things that happen when another makes a mistake?

Yea, at first I thought life would be a million times better without there being the ever-present stress of failure.

But then, I came to an early-life epiphany that changed the way I viewed it. The first change of thought I had was about the technical problem with my question. If people never made mistakes, didn't that mean that serial killers and criminals wouldn't make mistakes, thus creating an even more dangerous world than before!?

See? It just doesn't work.

However, after proceeding to think past that lovely thought, I pondered what else could be said about a world where there were no mistakes. That was when I realized something that is so painful yet so true.

If we lived in a world where mistakes were never made, we would never learn. Sure, one probably would be more successful than he is now, but what would he actually learn? If I had not made the mistakes that I have in my life, I would be a completely different person. If people never made mistakes, we could never truly understand and feel empathy for those who fail.

So, although I do still believe that mistakes are rather troublesome things that put a person through a lot of turmoil, I understand that they are necessary for me to grow as a person.

What is the point of this wonderfully articulated rant about my deep philosophical view on life? Well, it's actually pretty simply, really. I am saying all of this now because of the fact that I most likely just made a mammoth sized mistake that will change things for the better or the worse.

I kissed William Thatcher on his cheek. Of all people, it had to be the boy that probably would have the largest reaction to the action.

How wonderful.

"Ah... uh... oops..." I muttered and stammered in shame, feeling as if my face was getting sunburn with how hot it felt.

Oh dear Lord of all things holy--I am so doomed now.

I laughed nervously, pulling away from a shocked William as I rubbed my neck sheepishly. My eyes avoided making eye-contact with the raven-haired young man, and I distinctly recall the feeling of sheer embarrassment running through my emotions.

Now, being the absolute emotional coward that I am when it comes to relationships, making connections, taking to people, recognizing emotions, socializing, and just being an all-around human, one can find it perfectly reasonable and understandable when I say that I was willing to try everything to avoid talking about what I just did.

However, one thing that I probably should have been expecting but wasn't due to my incessant need to change the topic at hand, was the reaction of William Thatcher.

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