Chapter 3

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We walk through a maze of hallways and rooms. This House is so much bigger compared to my other one. We walk up some stairs and into a room. There are two chairs and a desk. Even though this is my house, Peeta and I are the guests here. Snow sits behind the desks and sets the cookies out on the table.
"These are great Peeta. Do you know who made them?" He asks after finishing his first and reaching for a second.
"I did, this morning. I'm glad you like them." Peeta says coldly. He needs to be a little nicer, but I can see why he is mad.
"Peeta, you have an interesting way with words don't you?" Asks Snow.
Peeta shrugs, "I just say what needs to be said. Like right now. Why did you need to talk to us?" He asks.
He doesn't like being away from Katniss for long, but he has no choice.
Snow gets very serious and glares at us both. "I have a problem. You two have set a whole nation into unrest with your little stunt in the arena. Poisonous berries is a peaceful way to die, but not if you are trying to start something. Now, I know those weren't your intentions right?" He asks us.
I shake my head, but Peeta has the guts to talk. "No, of course we weren't trying to start anything. Can you explain to us exactly what we did start though?" Snow nods and says,
"Unsettlement. The districts are going crazy about what happened with you two and they have started to rebel. Now, I know you didn't mean to do anything, but you did. So it doesn't really matter does it?" He asks us. Peeta answers, "We were just trying to get home and get back to her."
Snow smiles a little and nods, "How is Katniss by the way. How is the love of your life, Peeta?" It almost sounds like he doesn't believe Peeta loves Katniss which is a very stupid thing to think. It's so obvious. "She's fine." He states bitterly. Snow laughs and shakes his head. Then he looks at me.
"And Prim, how does it feel?" He asks me. What? "
How does what feel?" I ask him.
He looks shocked then smiles. "Why, how does it feel to make Hunger Game history?" He exclaims as he takes another cookie.
"Well, I haven't thought about it much. I have just been trying to forget about everything that happened in there actually." I tell him.
"Well, it's all anyone in the Capitol is talking about. That and the pictures of Peeta and Katniss kissing since it was on the cover of everything for the past 2 weeks. It still is actually. I have a copy with me." Says Snow.
He reaches into a bag I didn't see and he pulls it out. He turns it around and there is Katniss and Peeta when were got back. The kiss that Gale broke apart. He turns the page and there is Me, Katniss, Gale, and my mother. He turns the page again and it's me grabbing Peeta's hand and running for Katniss. He flips again and we see Peeta and Katniss again. Then another page and Gale punching Peeta. Another Page and Peeta hitting Gale. I look at Peeta, his face is expressionless. "And, I think I'm going to have them add this picture I was able to take today. Prim, I think you will like this." Snow says.
Oh no. I hope it's not a picture of Katniss and Peeta sliding under the fence to go into the woods. Snow could have them both arrested. He pulls out a very thin electronic that is slightly larger than his hand. He turns it around and I see a picture of me and Rory. I blush a little, we were just talking. He slides his finger across the picture and another one comes up. This one of us kissing. I turn tomato red and I burry my face inside my hands. I'm so embarrassed. Peeta smiles a little, finding it funny, and Snow is laughing his head off.
"I think this will give the people of Panem a good look at you Prim. The two people you love. Katniss and Rory." He says to me.
Peeta says, "What do you want us to do? What is your purpose of coming here and telling us about the Districts. What can we do?"
Snow hands the device to me and I look at the picture. I know I'm still very red, but at least they will be on another topic and all I have to do is look at me and Rory. We look cute together. I hear Snow,
"You two both had the same goal right? To get back to Katniss if the other couldn't. Now, you have to make Katniss the center of everything. Show the nation that you only did what you did out of love for getting back to her. Both of you. Understand that?" He asks us. We both shake our heads.
"Good, now I must be going. And if this fails, it could mean a lot of trouble. For all of us." He stands up and I hand him the small electronic. He starts laughing as he looks at the picture. Before he leaves, I say something. "Wait! Please don't publish that picture! No one knows about me and Rory yet. Except you and Peeta now! Please don't." I beg.
He laughs and says, "Oh Prim, the nation needs to learn some personal things about you. You have no privacy anymore." And he walks out.

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