Chapter 11

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There has to be at least 20 tables of food. Maybe even more! Everything looks great. I just want to dive right in, but I know I can’t I have to act like a lady of Effie may have a cow. We go to the tables and I pick a little bit of each thing. I want to try as much as I can before we leave. I try different meats, and pastas and soups. I’m full really fast. And even though it’s only ten, I’m very sleepy.
“Peeta, when do we go back to the train?” I ask him.
“Effie said about 1 a.m.” He says looking at me. He sees how tired I am. “I’ll be right back.” He tells me standing up to leave. I doze off before he comes back.
“Prim, wake up. We are going to go now.” He says.
“What time is it?” I ask sleepily.
“About 11 p.m. I talked to Effie. If we leave now, we will be able to wake up and be at home.” He says. Thinking of falling asleep on the train and waking up at home, I smile.
“Good, let’s go.” I say to him. He helps me up and we slowly make our way to the doors. Half way there, Peeta just picks me up and carries me. I didn’t want to walk much anyway. We get the door where cameras take pictures and I know how we will look. Like brother and sister with Peeta carrying me to the car. Taking care of me like a brother would. When we get to the station, more pictures but not as many. He carries me to my bed and tucks me in.
“Peeta.” I say. “What did you whisper into Ceaser’s ear?” I ask him. He smiles.
“Stay tuned tomorrow night to find out.” He mocks Ceaser. I laugh.
“Okay.” I say and fall asleep.
My dreams are nice, no nightmares. I dream of Katniss and finally being home. Hugging her and not wanting to let her go. It’s peaceful. I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Cinna.
“Prim, we are here. We need to get you dressed.” He tells me sweetly. I get up, still tired but excited. He gives me a nice blouse and a skirt. Why do I always have some type of skirt on? I wish I could just have shorts, but I love the outfit. I go into my room where Cinna wants to curl my hair.
“Can we just brush it? I really want to see Katniss.” I say to him. He smiles and nods. “Thank you Cinna.” I say and hug him. We go to the dining room and find Peeta, Haymitch, and Effie. All waiting for me. Peeta looks really anxious. We eat a small breakfast, but we can hear people outside waiting to see us. I smile thinking of Katniss, and Peeta does the same.
“Ready to find her?” I ask him. He nods. “Let’s go.” I say. We run to the back of the train and open the door. We get hit with fresh air are defend by the cheers of the crowed. I spot Katniss almost right away. People are letting her through easier this time. I take off running for her.
“Katniss! Over here! Katniss!” I yell to her. I hear her.
“Prim!” She screams back. I look up and see her about 15 yards away from me. We run for each other and meet in the middle. I put my arms around her and refuse to let go. I sniff her jacket and sigh at the scent.
“I missed you Katniss.” I say to her.
“I missed you too Prim.” She says back. We stay like that for a minute while people take pictures. The only reason I let go is because someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see him standing there.
“Rory! You came!” I exclaim. I put my arms around him and he does the same. We stand there for a minute. I’m so happy to be in his arms. I’m so happy I actually start crying and my knees give out. We both fall to the ground. Laughing, crying and smiling all at the same time. I pull away from his hug and give him a kiss. It’s not long, but I don’t want it to be. He looks upset again when I pull away sooner than he expected, so I hug him again.
“I’m so glad you are back Prim. I did nothing but think of you the whole time. I counted every minute from the time you left last night until now. I didn’t go to bed last night in fear of over sleeping. Please don’t leave again.” He says and he sounds like he might cry. I remember saying the same thing to him when Gale was trying to pull him away from me.
“I’m here now, and that’s all that matters. I love you Rory.” I say into his ear.
“I love you too Prim.” He says back I pull out of his hug and grab his hand. I look and see Katniss kissing Peeta. Only this time, Gale isn’t here to break this perfect moment. Peeta finally pulls away and looks at Katniss.
“I was going to wait until tonight to do this, but I don’t want to wait that long.” He says to her. The entire crowed falls silent. No one even breathes. Peeta looks at me and smiles and I know this is what he told Ceaser. I nod and smile back. Peeta reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little black box. He takes one of Katniss’s hands and gets down on one knee.
“Katniss Everdeen. Since the day I saw you, I knew I was in love. Every day when you walked home from school, I watched you. I love you so much and I’m about to ask you a very important question that I have waited for 11 years to ask. Katniss, will you do me the honor of changing your last name to Mellark? Will you, marry me?” He asks full hearted. He holds onto her hand and smiles at her. I can almost see the reflection on her face off of his blue eyes. I see anger, terror, shock and then relief. And finally happiness. I already know her answer.
“Peeta, I have told everyone I know and love I never wanted to get married. But now that I have the opportunity to and it’s with you, I’m not afraid anymore. Yes Peeta, I will marry you!” She says to him. Peeta stand up and kisses her softly. He breaks away and opens the black box. He pulls out a ring with a pearl on it. It is also surrounded by diamonds. It’s so pretty. He slips it onto her left ring finger. I still have Rory’s hand and I run to Katniss. I hug her and then Peeta hugs both of us. Peeta is going to be my brother in law. Katniss is finally agreeing to get married, and Rory. I look over at him. His face is rock hard. No expression whatsoever. Oh no. Once again, a perfect day is ruined by a Hawthorne.

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