Chapter Fifteen: Heartaches

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Chapter 15

 Anthony was a wreck. He didn't handle this well, but nobody really expected him to at his age. His first love was being drained even more every day. Nobody knew how much time was left for anyone. All we knew was that her clock was ticking. Maybe a little faster than normal. But like I said, nothing was proven and for sure.

Anthony was doing much better regarding health. He was still sick, but treading along more than Lizzie was. 

All four of us including me, Nate, Anthony, and Lizzie would spend the days together. Nate never brought up the subject of endings, and neither did the rest of us. Worrying wasn't the best feeling, and we avoided it at all costs. It seemed as if Nate was rubbing off on everyone except me. 

It was eating me alive, waiting. Waiting for the worst to happen. I tried to keep my mind off of it, as was everyone else.

"Hey, Nate?" I asked, looking over at him as he provided some new type of medicine to ease Lizzie's pain. Speaking of pain, it was worse. She didn't like to cry in front of us, but her face had agony written all over it.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking over at me.

I stood up, and yes, I was getting a pretty good hang of  the crutches. I was just as fast walking with them as I was a week before the car crash. But that stupid car crash was old history now; ancient news. I had deeper and more important things to worry about now then just myself all the time. 

I started walking my way towards the exit door, and motioned for Nate to follow my lead. He went willingly, and we stood outside the hallway together. I had forgotten I was still mad at him for ruining my date plan because Lizzie had become a lot more important. 

"How much longer?" I asked, my eyes begging for an answer, holding back from the verge of tears.

Nate looked away from me, hiding his expression, "It's impossible to know for sure."

"But I know you have some sort of estimate."

He shrugged, "I think Lizzie has about a week and a half left at the most. It's coming to an end for her."

I covered my sorrow, trying the best I could to smile. But it was a sad smile. "Then let's go," I said, grabbing his arm, starting to pull him back in to the room.

He stopped dead in his tracks, not letting me pull him back in. "What do you mean?" He asked, his eyebrow creased in confusion.

"Out. With everyone. One last time."

He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He nodded his head and obeyed me this time when I pulled his hand in to the room.

"Come on, Lizzie. Anthony, you too," I said.

Nate stopped us first though. "Wait one second, Charlie. I have to make sure this is okay. I'm not so sure anymore."

He stepped out of the room, and summoned Dr. Reynolds. Nurse Ella was next to him as well, listening to Nate's explanation as to why it was important to leave.

I inched closer to the doorway, trying to hear a little more of the conversation.

Nate's voice was quiet, "It's one last time. She may not be in the best health, but I think it will be okay. She can't spend the last days of her life in this hospital. You know that, and before she goes back home, we just want one last time."

Dr. Reynolds was next to speak, "I understand, Nate. I'm not going to be the one to stop you. Besides, at this point there is really not much else we can do to save her."

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