Chapter Twenty Three: Release

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: JordanLynde

This chapter is dedicated to my absolute FAVORITE author on Wattpad! All her stuff is soooooo good, and everyone should probably read all her stories. 


Chapter 23

I watched as Dr. Reynolds cut through the cast, removing it from my leg once and for all. I stopped him before he could throw it away in the trash, because it reminded me so much of Anthony, and  that one signature written on it that made me smile a lot. 

I had no idea what I would do with it, but it had too many memories just to throw away like nothing ever happened. 

 The doctor examined my leg, making me bend my knee, and a few other tests. He said I would be in physical therapy for a couple months to get feeling back on track. 

 "How does it feel?" he asked me.

 I bent it once more before answering, "It actually feels really good. Like it was never even broken."

 "You want to try walking?"

 He didn't have to ask me twice. I was up, out of bed, and on to my feet the minute he spoke it. It came naturally, although I was a little bit wobbly. Dr. Reynolds was impressed, as I walked around the room with ease.

 I walked to the mirror, looking at the gauze around the top of my head. It had been two weeks since the surgery.

 Ever since Nate had said I was his girlfriend, everything just seemed to be so much better. Although, for the past week and a half Nate had been on vacation to visit his brother Ethan. I had never missed anyone so much before. 

 But now it was my turn for packing my suitcase. The doctor had been checking up on the scar on the back of my head and it was improving by the day, which meant my time here was coming to an end.

 It was all so weird, returning to a normal life after being confined in a hospital for three months.

 To think, if I would never have been in the car crash, I would have graduated by now, and never have met Anthony, Lizzie, or Nate.

 I gently tugged at the end of the white gauze and loosened it. I unwrapped it away from restraining my head.

 I ran my finger along the scar, on the back of my head which was there from the stitches. The doctor informed me it was closing in nicely, but I was just now seeing it for myself. A small patch of my hair was missing from the surgery, but I wasn't vain enough to worry about that. It would grow back eventually, and for the time being most of my hair covered it anyways.

Once the bandages were completely removed, I stared in to the mirror. It was the first time I was completely myself again. No cast, no bandages. The scars from the accident were just faint markings on my skin, barely noticeable unless pointed out. I think they will be permanent, never ever going to fade away completely. Always leaving me with the memory of the car crash, the loss of my friends, and the hospital. I didn't know if that was good or bad, but I guess I would find out eventually. 

The sound of a ring caught my attention. I looked around the room and found my cell phone on the night stand.

I snapped it open and clicked on the Answer Call button.

"Hello?" I said in to the phone, placing it against my ear.

"Charlie! Hey, how's it going?" I didn't need the person to say who they were. The voice was recognizable and familiar. The voice that belonged to my father, miles away living in Florida.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, "I'm fine. Doctor Reynold's is releasing me from the hospital tomorrow afternoon. What about you?"

"I'm just so happy you're doing good. I wish I could come see you, I really do. I heard the surgery went well though, so that is just fantastic. I just wanted to call you to hear all about it.

Beat Of My Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें