Chapter 12: The One With Bags

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Chapter 12: The One With Bags

I walked inside the house and felt the tense atmosphere immediately. "Logan" I yelled and waited for him to come to me, it obviously didn't take any time for him to come to me but it gave me time to place the shopping bags on the floor.

"Where were you?" He asked but before I could answer he continued talking. "I thought you were gone, I thought you left me. You should've told me. I thought you were gone".

"Logan I was just at the mall" I answered him. "I left you a note so I wouldn't have to interrupt what you were doing".

"What note? There wasn't any note" He genuinely looked confused. 

"Come on" I said and walked the stairs with him on my trail. I reached our room, took the note from under his Cologne and handed it to him.

"See? You don't have anything to worry about Logan. I'm not going to leave you" I said and wrapped my arms around his body.

I waited for him to lean down and when he did I kissed him softly on the lips. I loved doing this.

"I'm sorry I flipped. I really do trust you. It's just that there's always that small part of me that thinks you're gonna leave me the second you get a chance or for someone who doesn't act all crazy when you don't wake up next to him" He said with a small pout which just made me kiss him again.

A few weeks ago I wouldn't have dreamed of kissing the biggest alpha in the world but right now I didn't think about that. All I could think was that the moon goddess paired me up with the most wonderful mate ever. He has gotten his jealousy under control more which I am glad.

"Don't worry about that Logan" I said to him. "There won't ever come a person who will treat me better than you. I can assure that. I don't want anyone to even try" He nodded and captured my lips again.

Man, this feels good.

"Come on, help me get the bags" I said and once again headed downstairs. On the way down I picked up the house phone and dialed Barbara's number.

"Hello?" She answered slowly.

"Hello, can you come back so I can take the rest of the bags?" I asked her.

"Sure, I am actually just around the block. I'll be there in a minute. So, how did it go with Logan?" I went outside and waited for Barbara's car to come in the driveway.

"It was actually not bad. It wasn't even a discussion, just a misunderstanding" I told her and that's when her car parked right in front of me.

"Good to hear" She answered and hung up.

We both picked the remaining bags and entered the house with them. "Barbara it's been a few hours since the last time I saw you" Logan said sarcastically but Barbara didn't care because she started fake crying and gave him a hug.

"I've missed you" She said dramatically before falling on the floor and yelling scene.

"You people are just weird" I said to them and grabbed a few bags before trying to leave.

"No miss, you grab more bags because I need to get home to my man" She said with a smile and left. But not before sending me a wink.

"Come on I'll help you and you'll tell me all about your day" Logan said stacking up the bags and following me.

We both went to our room and placed the bags inside the closet. "I'll just sort this out tomorrow. I'm too tired to do it today" I said and he nodded and without a warning he took me and carried me to the bed.

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