Chapter 18: The One When She Meets Spencer

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Chapter 18: The One When She Meets Spencer

It's been a few days since I shifted for the first time and I am now in the final stages of being fully in control of my new abilities. The hardest thing to control is the strength. Like the heightened senses takes time to control especially the hearing, but the strength is a whole other thing. I may have ripped the fridge's door because I was too hungry. At least they fixed it the next day but right now I'm handling things with the lightest touch possible. 

I'm also going to start training soon. Logan says that he trusts me and that I should be the one to tell him when I feel like I'm ready to start. I honestly am not in the place for that since so much has happened in so little time. I think that if I have something else on my plate I would totally just collapse.

Logan is in another meeting with an Alpha from a near by pack, so he wasn't with me. He asked if I wanted to go but I think it would be better if he handled this alone and even if I actually wanted to go I had already volunteered to read and spend the day with the kids whose parents died in combat or in any other situations. I guess you could call it the orphan center. 

After having a quick shower, I searched the closet for clothes that made me seem friendlier to kids. I ended up choosing a black shirt and a white skirt with watermelons. I guess this is one of the clothes that Austin bought me but I never realized it existed until now. Kids like watermelon and happy colors, right? Oh god I'm bad at this. 

I slipped on black flats and headed downstairs. I ate an apple as I walked the route towards the building. I knocked on the door and immediately a middle aged woman opened it. Damn, I thought I would at least have a few seconds to calm my nerves. 

This woman had short red hair that was in two ponytails and had badly applied makeup on. I'm not one to judge but she literally had purple eyeshadow that almost reached her side hairline and her eyeliner was suppose to look like a cat eye but it was just a straight line. By her smell I could tell she was mated and her wedding finger also suggested the same.

"Luna, I apologize for my appearance. The kids wanted to do my make up. I thought I would have time to clean up but I guess not" She apologized without looking me in the eyes. At least that explained a lot.

'She's nice. I like her' Brigitte said and I silently agreed.

"It's fine, you don't have to apologize for keeping the kids entertained. What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry I forgot about that. My name is Jenedieth but everyone calls me Jen" She says and opens the door further for me to enter.

"Thank you Jen. Now where are those little angels?" I asked her.

"They're all through that door over there and the babies are all upstairs in their nurseries" She said and I stopped walking to look at her.

"They're babies?" I felt like someone hit me in my chest as soon as I realized how all those babies would have to grow up without any parental figures. That happens in every part of the world to every species but it's still sad. "Whatever, don't answer that. Let's just see the kids" I say and walked with her through the door that she said.

Immediately I was hit with more than a dozen different smells. Multiple eyes stared back at me and before I could prepare, they gathered around and did group hug around my legs.

About 2 hours later, I had read them a story, played a game and I had met every single kid except a boy that had spent the whole time sitting in his bed and looking out the window. I watched him for a while and he always looked like he was in his own little world. 

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