Chapter 16: The One With A Wolf

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Chapter 16: The One With A Wolf

Barbara was pulling me towards the backyard when she stumbled with Michael.

"Michael, carry her to the backyard. She's shifting" She yelled, softly dropping me on the floor. I don't know why she did it so soft since the pain I was currently in couldn't possible be worse. 

"What?" He asked and this time was my leg that broke, leaving me a screaming mess. I knew shifting was hard but God damn it, is it really necessary to break every bone in your body? Imagine doing this at 14. I'm kind of glad right now that I didn't shift when I was supposed to and I don't even know why I'm right now. 

"Okay, I'll ask later" He said and carried me like a baby. Right then the other leg broke and you know what that meant. Screaming, a lot of screaming. I probably sounded like a mad woman but right now it's justified.

"Don't worry Lily, Logan is literally running towards us right now" He said and took the final steps into the backyard.

"How is she?" Logan asked. I guess Michael wasn't exaggerating.  "Her bones are breaking, she's just starting. Somehow it's slower for her. She should've already been halfway there" Michael answered him and handed me to Logan.

Logan carried me in his arms until he reached the middle of the grass field lawn giving me a whole lot of place to shift. He placed me softly on the ground and gave me a kiss in the forehead. "You'll be okay, it will be over soon enough I promise. I won't leave you, okay? I'll be right here" He whispered in my ear before stepping back.

"Everybody out, you can come back as soon as she's done" He yelled in his Alpha tone at everybody who was in there. I guess I created an audience, great.

The remaining bones in my body started to break until I was left limp on the ground with a layer of sweat covering my whole body. I tried to get up but I just went right back to the ground. "Just stay still Lily, the hard part was over. Now comes the wolf so just let her in okay?"

What does he mean let her in? That thought left my mind as soon as my teeth started to grow. I opened my mouth and touched the canines that were growing rapidly. Then came my body, it was growing in mass and in size as well. My shoulder was popping out of my body and taking an abnormal angle, as was the rest of my limbs. It ripped apart my clothing, even my underwear leaving me completely exposed. I could start to think how I was naked in front of my mate but I really didn't have time to worry about that right now.

The next thing I know, fur started growing from the hair out of my bare skin. I couldn't see the color since I closed my eyes for the rest of the shift but I felt it all. I felt how instead of a hand it changed into a paw, how my nose extended into a snout, how I grew a tail and how my ears shifted upwards.

The last thing I felt was this strong force in my head, trying to get in like it was trying to control me. Then I remembered Logan's words. 'let her in' He had said to me and all I could do was leave my mind blank and the force was gone, it was like a new part of me. My other half. 

'Open your eyes' A voice in my head said.

Are you my wolf? I thought, somehow knowing she could hear me like this.

'Yes Lily, My name is Brigitte and I'm half of your being. Now open your eyes so you can face your mate' She said and I did.

It was the same as if I was human only that everything was heightened, all of my senses were better than before. I could hear the conversation that people were having inside but right now I was just focused on my mate who was crouched down in front of me with a smile on his face.

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