Chapter 55: Heart of a Lion (Part 2)

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 Music is Victory by Two Steps From Hell. Play it!


In this moment, all becomes clear. Darkness becomes light, shadows become fire. I have to embrace my fear, wield it like a weapon, hone it to a deadly edge. I am the true Champion of Pst. Bronicus, Deathslayer, wielder of Miraterciel.

And if I am the Spawn of the Devil, well then, so be it. I will prove the prophecies wrong. I will not give up on myself just like that.

I have no reason or cause to cower in front of Diomedes.

It's so strange, how the answer to everything comes to me just like that. Perhaps I'd known it all along, and had refused to accept it. No more though. I will not deny myself any longer.

Still clinging onto the alatrigne, I slowly haul myself up onto my feet. I hold Diomedes' eyes as I do so, reflecting the steel in me. At last, I give my answer without a single tremor: "I choose to die a dignified death, rather than give in to you. I know that the others will gladly give up their lives for my decision, and I know that should they die, they will dine with the Pietists in the Seventh Heaven, finally living a fruitful, eternal life. I will continue to fight you Diomedes, no matter what you do or say.

"Because I am not afraid of you."

You have understood, my child.

For one fleeting moment, I thought that it was Diomedes who spoke in my mind. It takes a few milliseconds before I realise that it's someone else altogether. Abner? I relay the message.

I am here. Do you now accept your place as Champion of Pst. Bronicus? His voice echoes in my head. I don't even have time to be bewildered by his sudden presence. In response, I search deep within myself, for any flicker of fear, for any signs of self-loathing.

There is none.

I do, I reply, in earnest this time. Unlike the day when I'd sworn my oath during the Marking ceremony.

Then we are one.

Light pours forth from me, emblazing the scrinaius with its brilliance. Yet it doesn't hurt me, not like my own fire. Rather, it's a warm, comforting presence, a cocoon of safety. I do not balk at it. This is my light, Abner's light—our light. Our glow will be the salvation of this world, the one that will beat back the shadows that has ruled this world for far too long.

The light starts to take shape before me. A powerful muzzle comes first, followed by a thick, shaggy mane and claws as wicked as hooked daggers. The light's colour also shifts slowly, turning from a pure white into soft hues of blue. It's beautiful, like a constellation of stars spreading across its coat.

A lion.

Its head is up to my shoulder, the mane crowning it thick and majestic; its paws are massive, powerful weapons, meant to swipe their way through obstacles. My jaw drops in awe. Although I have never seen a real life lion before, I know that this one is far larger than normal-sized ones.

I look at it disbelievingly. Is this really my power? The power I never knew I had?

Hello, Constantine. The lion slowly turns to look at me, its glowing orbs entrancing me in my footsteps towards it.

Abner, is that you? Tentatively, I touch the lion's mane, marvelling at the silky, immaterial substance running beneath my fingers.

It is. Now if you don't mind, keep the questions for later. We have a necromancer to defeat.

We turn our attention upon said necromancer. He's backing away from us, lips curled into a snarl. The fear I once had has now been transferred to him instead. He continues to gather his shadows, wrapping them around himself tightly, as if it could ward our attacks away. I don't bother to steal the darkness away from him.

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