Cast & Glossary

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The Characters

Of House Rutherland

Constantine Rutherland - The reluctant heroine; Champion of Pst. Bronicus; Spawn of the Devil; Deathslayer; holder of many titles. Tends to lapse into pessimism.

Lord Percival Rutherland - The aloof father; former Bane of Perinus. Ridiculously stoic, to the point of refusing to show affection for the ones he loves.

Lady Marcella Rutherland (nee Lorelay) - The cheery mother; sister of Kendra the sorceress. Eccentric enough to give the most powerful weapon in the world to her daughter.

Eric Rutherland - The mature second sibling. Only empathiser of Constantine in the family.

Isolde Rutherland - The spiteful middle child. Main antagonist of Constantine in the family.

Willian and Ronald Rutherland - The other siblings. Too young to understand much of the going-ons.

Knights and Squires

Gilbert Falkner - Champion of Pst. Ailith; an inspiring leader-in-training. Cheerful and friendly, he sometimes treads into the territory of irritating.

Captain Eldric - As his title suggests, Captain of the King's Guard; is a stickler for rules. Inquisitive and shrewd.

Sir Kendrick - The current Bane; most famous for not electing an apprentice at his age. Easy-going yet tough.

Sir Isaac - Constantine's main trainer and physical torturer. He's best known for his scowl and insistence at being grumpy at all hours.

Sir Evan - Gilbert's main trainer, but not physical torturer. Head of the Knights of Elder.

Sir Thrall - One of Lord Rutherland's most trusted knights; former spy for Perinus.

Sir Payton - Constantine's teammate during the assessments. A true pain in the arse, despite his skills.

Sir Roderick - Another member of Group Five during the assessments. Newly knighted, he still has yet to prove his mettle on the battlefield.

Squire Samuel Garthy - The third member of Group Five. A bumbling idiot in spite of his best efforts.

Squire Vaughan Hailern - The last member of Group Five. One of the most promising squires so far.

Sir Connall - The Scourge, Sir Kendrick's second-in-command. The most likely candidate for the hand of apprenticeship to the Bane.

Sir Kempe - The Scion, the third general. Though thoroughly capable on his own, is often overshadowed by his two superiors.

Sir Cathom - Captain Eldric's second-in-command; his loyalties to the King's Guard are questionable.

Rulers and Administrators of Perinus

King Terrell - As evident from his title, the king of Perinus. A natural leader whose tolerance level is impossibly high.

Chamberlain Aldrich - Main right hand man of the king when concerning administrative matters; always able to answer any question anyone has in mind.

Chancellor Lucan - A secretary of sorts. Has had to waste improbable amounts of ink in drafting letters due to the war.

Baron Samareal - The main lord of the Samareal province. A cowardly figure, but he controls the backbone of Perinus, due to the crops his province yields.

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