Chapter 15: Secrets

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I roll over and look at my alarm clock, it reads ten in the morning. I sigh and stretch while making little groans and stretching noises.

    I hop out of bed and stumble out into the living and freeze when I see Hunter sitting on the comfy chair watching TV on our very very small TV. He looks up at me when I walk in and he grins.

  "You look like hell," he states and I scowl at him.

"Thanks for the boost of confidence," I say sarcastically and he smirks, his trademark player smirk.


I go into the kitchen and grab a pop tart and some water before heading back out into the living room and plopping down on Hunter's lap, so that I am half way on the arm of the chair and half way on his leg. He glances at me and smirks again.

   "You just couldn't stay away could you?" He teases and I roll my eyes.

"What are you watching?" I ask because it's a commercial and I can't tell.

   "Nice change in subject, babe, but Nitro Circus," he says and I nod..

  Good show.

"Is this what I am going to have to wake up every morning to see?" Mom asks and I grin.

   "No, ma'am, I am going to see if I can stay at my friend Jerron's house," Hunter says quickly and Mom nods in approval.

    "Where's your bathroom?" Hunter asks and I point to the small room that is next to Bryce's room.

  Hunter lifts me up and sets me back down on the chair and saunters off to the bathroom.

  As soon as he gets in there his phone starts ringing. I stare at it before slowly picking it up.

  "Hunter? I think you got a text," I yell but he doesn't answer.



"You got a text from Luke, it says hey buddy, how are you doing so far on the bet..." I read and am about to continue when Hunter flies out of the bathroom and yanks the phone from my grasp.

   I stare at him in confusion and he smiles uneasily.

    "Uh...Okay?" I say with raised eyebrows..

"I just.... Luke....He's just being stupid," Hunter says and shoves his phone in his pants pocket.

   "What kind of bet was he talking about?" I ask suspiciously.

  "WHat? Nothing," Hunter mutters and I stare at him in confusion.

    "The bet....It...It's not about me is it?" I ask and he shakes his head really really quickly.

"No! Why would it be? That's just stupid," Hunter stammers and I stare at him some more until he can't handle it and sits on the couch.

    "Are you sure?" I ask and he clenches his fists.

"Yeah, why do you keep pestering me about it?!" He snaps and I sigh and rub my eyes i frustration.

  "I'm not meaning to, it's just that you are acting really weird about it," I reply and he stands up and groans.

    "Please, just let it go, okay?" Hunter snaps and just then Bryce walks into the room and stops and stares at Hunter with a weird expression.

  "What is he doing here?" Bryce snaps and i glance at him in confusion.

 "Do you two know each other?" I ask and Hunter glances at Bryce and freezes.

"Raya, get away from him!" Bryce demands and i stare at him in confusion.

   "Bryce..." I begin to say and he shakes his head and strides across the room and stands protectively in front of me.

   "Stay away from my sister, you dick head!" Bryce shouts and Hunter narrows his eyes at him.

"It will be kind of hard when we are dating," Hunter sneers and Bryce goes pale.

   "W-What? RAya, how could you?" Bryce asks and i stare at him in confusion.

"Bryce...What is going on?" I ask and he glares at Hunter.

   "Should i tell her or should you?" Bryce snaps and Hunter clenches his jaw.

 "Don't say anything!" Hunter growls and Bryce raises his eyebrows.

    "After what you did?! Hell yes i am going to tell her," Bryce snaps and Hunter glares at him.

"Tell me what?! Somebody tell me what's going on right now!" I snap and Hunter shakes his head at Bryce.

    "CAn i talk to you for a second?" Hunter snaps at Bryce and Bryce looks terrified for a second before storming out the door with Hunter following him.

 "What in the fricking A just happened?" I snap to myself and glare at the closed door.

Pretty soon they both come back into the house, both of them keeping their distance from each other and me...

 Bryce glances at me before storming back into his room. Hunter looks at me with a guilty look before slowly sitting down the couch.

   I walk over to him slowly and sit down on the floor in front of him.

 I take his hands in mine and stare up at him, hoping that he will explain something.

   "Raya...I know that looked bad, but just... Just give me a few days to figure out things and then i promise i will tell you everthing, okay?" Hunter says quietly and I link our fingers together. He glances up at me with a sad smile.

    "Sure, I can do that," I reply and he closes his eyes.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asks and I kiss his cheek.

   "That's what I was thinking about you," I say and hop to my feet and pull him up with me.

 "Where are we going?" He asks as I drag him out the door and to my car.

   "Coldstone ice cream sounds good to me right now," I answer and he laughs.

"Only you,"

  "Only me, what?" I ask him and he pulls me back to him and kisses me softly on my lips.

   "Only you can make me laugh when I feel like everything is sucking,"

 "Well, i'm glad I can help,"  I say and kiss him back before hopping into the drivers side and he slides into the passenger side.

    "So, are you going to get something other than cotton candy ice cream?" He asks me and I smirk.

"I have yet to decide," I reply and he grins.

   "I think I forgot what it tasted like, I might have to try it again," Hunter says with an evil smirk. I laugh and start blushing like crazy.

    "Just as long as I can taste yours," I say with a wink at him. He grins and puts his hand on my thigh.

"Anytime you want,"




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