Chapter 26: it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt

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  "I thought I told you two to sleep in separate rooms," Mom says and I open my eyes to see Hunter curled up beside me, with his arm around my waist. Mom is standing in my doorway with her arms crossed and sigh. Crap...

"I know, mom, but I was upset last night and Hunter came in to see if I was okay,"

     "And didn't leave the room," Mom states and I wince.


   "You will be if you get pregnant,"

"Mom.. We haven't had sex, we've been dating for a week and half," I complain. I know that Hunter is awake, but he keeps his eyes closed so that Mom won't yell at him.

 "Well, I just want you to know that, but anyway, iit's time to get up if you guys don't want to be late for school," Mom says and rolls her eyes at Hunter before walking away.

   "Wow, that was close," Hunter says and grins while opening his eyes. I scowl at him and he shrugs sheepishly.

 "I can't believe you made me face that by myself," I whine and he laughs.

    "It's your mom,"

"It's your fault you were in here," 

    "Correction, it was your fault that I was in here,"

"How so?" I ask him and he kisses my nose.

   "I was comforting you last night,"


   "That's not what you said last night," Hunter teases and I punch his stomach. I grimace and shake out my hand as it hits solid abs.

  "Hurt?"  Hunter asks while laughing.

"No.." I lie.


"Are you two getting up? I'm leaving and taking Bryce to school, you two need to get a move on or you're going to be late," Mom calls and I groan. Hunter gives me a sly look. Oh yeah.. We're skipping today.

  "Yeah, Mom, we're up,," I lie and hear Mom leave the house. Bryce jogs past the room, on his way out of the house, and shakes his head in disgust when he sees Hunter in bed with me.

    He closes the front door and Hunter and I are alone at last. Hunter rolls until he is on top of me and I smile up at him.

He slowly leans down so that his lips are only a few inches away from mine but then he stops. I grab the back of his head and pull his lips to mine. After a few minutes we pull away from each other, panting.

     "Jeez, you're heavy,' I whine and Hunter narrows his eyes at me.

"That is so rude,"


Hunter bites his lip and looks at me from under his bangs and I catch my breath. Jeez, he is so hot...

  After a few more minutes he rolls off me and lays his head on my collar bone with a huge sigh.

"I'm so tired," he says and I nod in agreement.

   "Me too,"

"I vote we sleep for a few more hours before getting my motorcycle," he suggests and I laugh.

"Sounds perfect,"

I close my eyes as Hunter places a kiss on my collar bone. Before I know it, I fall asleep with my hands tangled in Hunter's hair.


I feel a hand lying against my stomach and someone poking my face. I lift my hand and try to push the hand away from my face, to make it stop poking me. I hear someone chuckle.

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