Chapter 16: Spin the Bottle + the truth?

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   As we are sitting in Coldstones eating our ice cream, I get a text from Will telling me about a party that is happening tonight.

  "Do you want to go to a party tonight?" I ask Raya as she takes another lick of her cotton candy ice cream. I tried to get her to pick a different flavor but of course she refused.

     "Um, whose is it?" She asks me.

"PJ's," I say and she looks confused. I don't blame her, not many people know PJ, he's a weird guy. But he loves to throw parties when his parents are out of town, which is like every other weekend.

   "I have no clue who that is," she states the obvious and I smirk.

"I know, I could see the wheels turning in your head," I reply and she smacks my arm and spits her tongue out at me.

    I reach over and lick her tongue before she has a chance to do anything. She shrieks and pulls away from me.

"Sir," I hear a young voice ask and then I feel someone tugging on my shirt.

   I look down to see a boy that looks about six years old looking up at me in confusion.

"Uh, yeah?" I ask.

   "Why did you lick that girls tongue... Aren't you afraid of cooties?" He asks me and Raya bursts out laughing. I scowl at her. Sure it's funny, but how am I going to explain myself to this little guy.

    "Uh... No?" I answer.

"Oh...Well, I still think that girls have cooties, so you shouldn't do that very often," the boy says seriously and walks away.

   I stare at Raya and she smirks at me.

"Good job, tough guy," she replies and stands up.

  "Hey, now. It's all your fault that happened," I say and she laughs at me.

 "Oh yeah? And how is that?" She asks.

   "Because you are the one who stuck your tongue at me,"

"No one said you had to be a creep and lick it,"

   "I believe I remember specifically telling you not to spit your tongue out at me or that would happen," I explain and she punches my shoulder.


  "Just telling you the truth, babe,"

 "Bite me!"

   "Well, if you insist," I say and reach for her. She jumps away and smacks my hands away from her while laughing.

"Not literally, you derk,"

  "Well, I think you need to specify that next time otherwise I will always assume that you are being serious," I tease and she makes a face at me that is not very attractive, but  on her, it works.

   "Good to know," she replies.

"So, yes to that party? Or no?" I ask and she nods slowly.

  "Sure, why not?"

"That's the spirit," I say and she grins and I link our hands together.

    I stare down at our linked hands and sigh. I know I will have to tell her what happened with her younger brother this morning, but right now, I just don't have the guts. I know that sounds like a jerk move not to tell her, but I don't want her to hate me.

  " What are you thinking about?" Raya asks me and I glance at her.

"Don't worry about it," 

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