I wuv u u lil hottie

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"Aika! Answer me you duck!"


"Duck fuck"

I texted my sister, all within a minute.

"What do you want Senia?"

"I'm at work."

She replied.


"You're already gone?"

I texted back.

"No, I moved into town while you locked yourself in your house"

She responded quickly.

"Okay, I need you to bring me to my counselling session at 7"

I told her.


She replied.

I put away my phone as knocking came from my door. I slipped the device into my pocket, and answered the door.

"Mercy!" I said and Mercedes walked into my house.

"Feels like forever since I last saw you." She said and I smiled. "Even though it's only been a few hours." She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

A few seconds later she left the kitchen with some Jones Soda in her hands. She handed me one and opened hers. She chugged the entire bottle of soda in under fifteen seconds.

"Thirsty." She said, and she wiped her lips. I laughed and we sat down on my couch. I turned on my TV and went to Netflix.

"What'd'you wanna watch?" I asked, and she shrugged. I clicked on a random movie, and hit play.

"Senia?" She asked me. "Are we a thing?"

"I don't know. We did have sex, and we kissed. And I did call you my girl to my friends." I said, and scratched the back of my head.

"Well, I don't really think that makes us a thing." She said, in a higher pitched voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, curiosity filling my mind.

I wondered what she was thinking.

"Well...in my few other relationships, we would usually go on a date."

"Okay! Tomorrow, here, half after 7!" I said, and she laughed. "Get over here." I said, and started crawling toward the other side of the couch, where she was sitting. Just as I was right on top of her, and tried to kiss her, someone knocked at my door. "The fuck?" I whispered.

I stood up and walked toward the door. I looked through the peephole to try and see who it was, it was Jason. I opened the door and I heard Mercedes stand up and walk toward me. She put her arms around my waist and rested her chin on my shoulder after giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Sen, I was thinking that maybe you could come with me, Jennifer, Jacob, Carter, Zachary, Chad, and Selene to the bar. You want to?" He asked me, and I turned my head to look at Mercedes. "She can come too, it's no biggie." He said.

The Red Haired Girl who Stole My Heart(lesbian story)(completed May 1st 2016)Where stories live. Discover now