The cookout

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      Once I got home the guys helped with the groceries, and I told them about the time at the store. and the cookout they figured why not. So I sent Emily a quick text and she gave me the address. I got into my truck and the boys packed in, some in the bed of the truck as well.
We drove to a cute little red house. We got out and knocked on the door. Emily answered.
"Hi Emily, This is William Mason, Jack Miller, Mark Bobby, Derek Hagen."
"Hi, I'm Emily come on in."
"When I walked in I saw more guys."
"Guys meet Nina! and William, Jack, mark, and Derek."
"That's Jake, Seth, Leah, and Embry." I smiled and saw Paul my heart started beating faster. The guys dispersed and immediately everyone started getting along. I walked over to Emily and asked if I could help with anything. she insisted I relaxed, I couldn't. So, eventually she said I could set the table. Since dinner was pretty much done.
As we all sat at the table immediately digging in. We were all starved and me and the guys ate a lot... but our new friends... they ate like 5 burgers.. each! After being astounded by each others appetite I helped Emily with the dishes, and decided that it was time to leave. I looked into the living room that Emily vanished into after finishing the dishes.
I looked at each group... each of my group members had at least 2 guys they were speaking with if not it was a group of 4 of them. I looked around the cute house. I saw a person sitting on a porch swing outside, I figured he looked rather lonely. I ventured outside to talk to him.. I noticed it was the Paul guy and my heartbeat instantly quickened.
I leaned against the swing, "Hello..."
He looked up and smiled slightly, "hello."
"I noticed you out here alone and decided I would come hang with you... I can go, If you want to be alone" I quickly added the last bit. He chuckled, and I smiled. It had become slightly quieter in the house. He motioned me to sit with him. I gladly accepted and sat with my feet up.
After a moment of silence he stated, "Emily says you and those guys are army guys.." He sounded almost scared. I smiled softly, "yes, we do." I confirmed.   

The Soldier Imprint (Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now