Accidents, and Cullens

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    Last night ended rather ... weird. After Paul had asked me the question of being in the army or not he started shaking and Seth, I believe his name is, dragged me away from him, inside. But now it's a fine Sunday morning and the guys of the platoon were spread out sleeping in my living room. I got up and into the shower and changed into this () The guys and I had decided we would go hiking, since we were off work, for a few weeks. We liked to keep in touch with our fitness. The guys each showered and we were off. We drove to the woods on the other side of forks, considering there were mountains close to those woods.
I threw my bag on my back, which held 2 waters, a hoodie, and some granola bars, and apples for the boys, I don't like them. But, anyways, we started to jog through the woods at a steady pace. It was only five minutes before the guys were begging for a race. So, We lined up and took off, I sprinted ahead. Mason following closely behind me, me and him were the fastest, Bobby following Mason, Then Miller, and Hagen tying in the back, they seemed to be conversing, following the trail, Mason and I turned the corner and stopped immediately when seeing a huge glass house. The others, not noticing us stopped, bumped into us, all of us landing on the forest ground.
When I had fell I felt a sharp pain in my knee. When I stood up and looked down there was blood pouring down my leg, I noticed a large rock that had my blood on it. Mason looked down at my knee and immediately made me sit. "This is really deep! We need to get you to the hospital." I insisted I was fine. But, Mason always blew things out of proportion. He put me on his back and started running back to the car, I looked back at the house, and noticed people looking out the window.
Before I knew it I was sitting in the passenger seat of my truck. Mason in the driver side, speeding to the hospital. I sighed, he was freaking over nothing. He immediately rushed into the hospital. And I looked rather bored in his arms. An attractive bleach blonde doctor asked what had happened.
"WELL!! WE WERE SPRINTING-" I slapped my hand over Mason's mouth.
"We, meaning Me, Mason, Miller, Bobby, and Hagen. We were racing in the woods, when we saw a giant house. The other three boys not noticing that me and Mason had stopped toppled over us, and I scratched my knee on the rock. Mr. Mason over here blew everything out of proportion and raced me here. I probably don't even need to be here. Correct Doctor..." I glanced at his name tag "Cullen?"
He glanced at my leg. "Does it hurt?" I shook my head. "You need stitches. I don't understand how it doesn't hurt"
"Well there is a sting because of the air hitting it, but it's nothing. I have gotten shot before."
He looked at me astounded and brought me to a room to stitch it up. "Shot?"
"I'm in the army." I pushed up my shirt sleeve to show the scar of where I was shot. "Now that son of a whore, hurt." I laughed slightly. He smiled.
"Well, there you are. all finished. Now, I just want to make sure you can walk on it." I hopped down from the little table and walked with a slight limp.
"It hurts a little to walk."
"I'm going to give you some pain medication. I want you to take it whenever it starts to hurt, maximum dosage 4 times a day." I nodded.
After getting all my stuff and checking out I turned around to see the guys talking to a muscular guy, a tall guy, and a blonde guy. Doctor Cullen walked over to them, I joined them, as well. "Are we ready to leave?" The boys all looked at each other. "What...? Let me guess. You guys all made friends and you want to go hang out with them. correct?" They nodded looking around sheepishly. I smiled, "Is the football game that is on tonight involved?" I asked eagerly.
The muscular guy answered for them, "hell yeah!"
"I'm in." They all cheered. And I shook my head smirking. "Nina Westhill, by the way."
"I'm Emmett, this is Edward, and that is Jasper. We are the Cullen boys." Jasper looked to be in pain. Poor guy...
"We will follow you guys over then?"

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