Protective Instincts.

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  The guys and I had a fun time at the Cullens last night. and waking up this morning I realized we were still there. It was probably 6:30 in the morning. I'm pretty all the guys crashed around 2. I didn't sleep till three. Mainly because I was conversing with Esme, Alice, and Rosalie. Oh and a Bella chick. Edwards girl friend I guess. I don't know what it was but I didn't like her. Carlisle walked down the stairs surprised by the fact all of us were awake. "Why are you all awake?"
We all looked at him, "Habit, but good morning". As if on cue my stomach started hurting. And not an ordinary stomach ache. They were very sharp pains. One made me gasp, and all the guys looked at me. "I think we should go..."
"Thank you for having us!" We all raced to my car and they asked a thousand question on what was wrong. But I just kept telling them I don't know.
Once we got home I took some pain medication that didn't work. My phone started ringing, I glanced at caller ID. "Hello, Emily!"
"Nina! Hi!"
"What's up em?"
"Oh, I just wanted to know if you and your guys wanted to come over again?"
Not wanting to let her down I agreed. "Okay, we will be there, mm bye!" Hanging up and jumping in the shower I put on (). Yes, I am wearing a bathing suit. So? After the rest of the guys showered, we went over to Emily's.
When we walked in everyone stopped talking. Why? "Hello!" I said to lighten up whatever weird mood was going on right now. Paul ran over to me.
"You were with the Cullens?!" I didn't expect that.
"Umm, Yeah? They are nice people."
"People?! You know nothing of them! " I noticed he was shaking. Sam was trying to cut in.
I guess it was a good thing I don't like arguments. I don't even remember the last time I yelled. I liked to talk things out. But Paul was very furious. Everyone was just watching. Like they didn't know what to do. I sighed. "You're correct, Paul. I do not know them. But from my experience they seem like good people."
"Did they hurt you?!"
"Did they touch you?! What's that on your knee!"
"I fell in the forest yesterday when I was hiking."
"The forest?! You are sure those filthy leeches didn't suck your blood?!"
Leeches? He was beginning to shake even worse. Sam must have thought this was enough and shoved me out of the way practically throwing Paul out of the house. I had ended up tripping. And that's when everything happened. Paul saw me on the floor and all of a sudden he was a giant wolf. And Sam too! What the hell?
Don't get me wrong, I have a very open mind. And I thought werewolves were real. I especially liked to believe it when I was at war. Made me think no one could get me down, or kill me. Made me think I was untouchable. But now that two horse sized wolves were battling it out right in front of me I didn't know what to think. I Just stood there watching it happen. Everything was slowed down, my ears were ringing. I'm not positive but I'm pretty some guys were placing bets on who would win. The grey wolf caught my eye and stopped immediately walking into the forest. the black wolf following. They came back, and Sam gave Paul a hard look. Paul nodded, as if understanding.
Yes. Right now I am in shock. But scared? Of someone who hasn't hurt me? No. I've been tortured, shot, running for my life numerous times. This was weird, not ordinary, but not quite scary.
"Can we talk? Alone?" He looked so... pained.
I smiled as best I could and nodded.
He started walking towards the woods, and I followed behind a few feet, trying to comprehend. "Stop thinking so much, I'll explain everything." So I did. We stopped walking. "Well umm, I'm what they call a shape-shifter. I think You know that. I'm sorry I got so upset. Us, Shape-shifter's kinda don't have a choice but to hate the Cullen's"
As he was speaking I sat down, He was still facing away from me, I broke apart a stick and snapped the stick in half. I threw one end at him, he whirled around and caught it. "Woah." I stared amazed. This was the first time I examined Paul's chest. Damn, Them muscles.
He bent down in front of me, "With you, I have these... Protective instincts, so to speak. I wouldn't ever want you to get hurt or anything because of me. I see my life as making you happy. I would do anything for you-" He got cut off by me.
"Even bring me strawberry Piña Coladas at two A.M.??"
He smirked, "Anything. I'm being serious. I would be anything, a friend, a protector, a lover."
I looked up. For some reason my heart beat sped up, I realized how close our faces were. My breathing got caught in my throat, he didn't lean any closer, like he didn't want to push me. But damn, that smirk was sexy, not to mention he was damn fine without no shirt on. I bit my lip and let my eyes flicker to his lips back up to his beautiful eyes. And I did it. I kissed him. There were butterflies in my stomach. But something about it felt like this was supposed to happen. I wasn't as stressed as I was 5 minutes ago. 

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