Down In Flames:

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Hello, I am the storyteller.

I am here to tell you a story. One full of pain and strife. The story of humanities future...and it's end.

Now, you may be wondering who I am. Why I am telling you this. Well, this is why. If I inform you of how my world failed, maybe you won't make the same mistakes we did. Maybe your world won't one day lie in radioactive ruin.

First, before I can properly begin our tale, you need to know how we fell. How my world became what it is today. Well, here is how we became a ruined society. This is how we killed ourselves.

A long time ago, there was a great empire. Historians do not know much about them due to the loss of records during the time the bombs fell. We do know that the name of it was the United States. We know they had a vast military force that was feared and also hated across the world. We know their lands stretched from one coast to the other and yet they still felt they needed more land. They always wanted more than they needed.

Then, when they had expended all of their resources like oil, natural gas and other widely used resources, they went to war with some of the most powerful forces in the eastern world. Russia, China and Japan declared war on America. The whole war was over the control of the last few resources left in the world.

The middle east began selling their oil at higher and higher prices and the United States congress purchased a large amount of the resources for their nation. This was seen as an evil crime by many of the allies of the United States and they turned against the nation.

The following year, after declaring war on America, Russia and China merged and became the Eastern Confederacy. The new nation sent its forces into the American city of Los Angeles. But America had also been making alliances and developing new technologies. They had annexed the nations of Mexico and Canada.

They also had the most brilliant minds in their reach working on new, efficient weapons and other devices to use against the new invaders. There were also new inventions on the Eastern Confederacy's side. There were developments in the sniper rifles they used that helped keep the bullet on target from over three miles away.

The two countries waged war for years. Each side gaining little ground each battle. The Confederacy gained the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego. The Americans got many air strikes in on the Confederacy's home cities and their invaded territory. But It was the development of clone soldiers and atom weapons that ensured the American victory.

Even while the war was going on, America had their scientists develop new weapons and other technological wonders. They spent billions on the projects, such as new planes, new armor and other military equipment. But, after eight years of bloody war, the Americans had the tech that would win them the war.

Genetic scientists had developed cloning technology that could develop two thousand clones from only a single human cell. This took the need for human troops out of the war and greatly reduced human casualties on the American side. The Americans also developed proton pistols and other atom based weapons to use in the war.

With these new inventions, the Americans quickly developed two million troops and sent them towards the Confederate stronghold of Los Angeles. The troops arrived and pushed the Confederate forces from the city within hours. In the next few weeks, three-fourths of the confederate forces had been eliminated, with the rest in retreat to the capital of Beijing. It seemed that the Americans had won the war, but not everyone was so sure.

Some war weary citizens were not entirely convinced that the Confederate surrender was all it seemed to be. They began stocking their bomb shelters and prepared for the worst. They thought that the confederate troops would not just sink their heads in defeat. They knew the final battle had only just begun.

A few days later their fears were confirmed when thousands of confederate planes flew across the sky and rained bombs on the cities of America. Thousands died within minutes, millions died soon after. Some saw this coming and began to take cover. Some fought the planes with their city militia.

There were a group of the American elite, such as government officials and billionaires, that took cover on a floating habitat in the Atlantic. From this habitat, the Americans launched a counter strike against the rest of the world. They rained fire down upon the rest of the world, and watched as the great prosperity and peace the world had known went up in flames.

After that, those who survived made new homes in the ruins of the old world. People in the nuke shelters poured out into the barren wasteland and began to make a new society.

In the land world that collapsed.

And went down in flames.

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