The American Dream

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The American Dream.

That is what every patriotic member of the American populace has strived for in their life. It is what every Politian has promised the people before the war. And it was finally achieved by the United States on June 3rd, 1944.

When the Americans launched an invasion of Japanese occupied China, and took the coast on the East China Sea: the Americans launched new weapons into the war to push the Imperial forces out and back to Japan.

The Americans sent fighter planes to strike crippling blows against the Japanese before even putting a single troop on the ground. Then, when the Imperial fighting force was decimated to less than a quarter of it's original size, the Americans sent wave after wave of infantry to overrun the enemy lines. The next day, there were 10,000 Japanese casualties, and 300 American.

The Japanese fleet fled to the north, to regroup and attack the American fleet in the sea. But before they could do this, the Americans did an attack on the Japanese navy. Their fleet struck by a new weapon the Americans had developed, called the Range Finder.

The Range Finder was a missile that is the equivalent of todays heat seeking missile. Once fired, the missile sent out a sonar signal that allowed the co-pilot to guide the missile towards the target. Once the missile struck, it sent out metal shards at a speed of up to 200 miles per hour.

This decimated the crew, while doing as little damage as possible to the ship, which was then commandeered and used for the American war effort. These missiles were also used on the bunkers in the northern Japanese controlled territories. This killed the people inside while keeping all possible data intact.

After a three month campaign in the pacific, almost all Japanese influence had been wiped away. The Imperial forces had been pushed back onto their shores and their leaders were working on a plan to request help from the Nazi's.

However, the Germans were having troubles of their own. The Americans had called in troops to help the British forces in Europe. They had already driven the Nazi forces out of Africa and southern Europe. The British had begun advancing from the east, and the Americans attacked from the south, with their navy parked in the Mediterranean. The fighting lasted a month and then the Germans were pushed back into their borders.

The war had reached a stalemate. With the British forces massed to the east and Americans to the south, the Germans were boxed in. The allies could not go in because of the powerful resistance that the Germans put up, but the Germans could not go on the offensive without leaving their homeland defenseless.

The Americans then put a plan into action that would end World War two. They had their lead scientists put together four atomic bombs. They then ended the war by dropping the four atomic war heads. Two were dropped on the cities of Berlin and Munich. The other two were dropped on Tokyo and Hiroshima.

The next few weeks, the world lied in shock. The Axis powers laid down their weapons and surrendered to the Allied forces. The British army rolled over all of Europe, and set out on rebuilding it after the devastating years of war. The Americans went back to their homelands victorious, feeling they had shown all the world their military superiority.

The American president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, decided to give a speech to the American people announcing the victory. On December 26th, 1945, the President Roosevelt gave a speech over the allied victory in the Madison Square Garden. There, at 9:34 am, a Nazi sympathizer sniped the President while hiding in the booths above.

Roosevelt's Vice-President, John Garner, became president. He took the horrified American nation and turned it into a world super power. He used the power of the atom, and turned it into economic growth. He used nuclear energy and set up power plants all over the nation, reducing the nations dependency on foreign oil by just enough to get the nation out of debt.

The other allied nations set out to reshape the world in their image. Europe, afraid of another war, decided on the formation of one large nation. The United States of Europe was formed on January 4th, 1946. The capital set up in London, England.

While the Americans grew wealthy, the USE became dependent on oil. This made the Middle Eastern nations wealthy. Instead of fighting, they formed one huge state called the Arab Confederacy, with its capital in Riyadh.

The world fell into a peace unlike any other known before. The world grew in a free and interactive way. The Americans grew specifically wealthy. With the power of the atom at hand, the Americans developed technology that even the most bridled science fiction writer could not comprehend at the time.

Robotic humanoids, clones, laser weapons, green energy, and so much more. There were advances in genetic engineering that allowed a baby's genes to be altered while it was still in the womb. American scientists created a fertilizers that produced the same chemicals as sunlight, and allowed plants to grow anywhere in the world.

Africa followed in Europe's footsteps and unified. The African States (AS) became a nation filled with sprawling metropolises and unlimited resources. It made advances in science as well, along with a cheap way to desalinate ocean water for drinking. But they were also dependent on oil. By the 2030's, the only nation in the world not dependent on oil was the United States of America.

By then, America was the most powerful nation in the world. It had a nuclear arsenal of over 20,000 nuclear bombs. No nation was in a position to disagree with them without facing the certain fate of receiving a nuclear bombing.

The Middle East had become the second richest nation in the world due to it's massive exports, but it may not stay that way for long. With the world so dependent on technology, the demand for oil to keep the technology running went up. More oil was being used in the 2030's than ever seen before by human kind, over twice as much as the world uses today.

Relationships in the world became strained.

The worlds oil reserves dried up. Other nations ended up either using their last bit of oil, or selling it for goods. The only place with oil remaining was the Middle East. They saw this, and they began selling their oil at ever higher prices. This caused tensions between the Arab Confederacy and the United States of Europe.

The two powers went into a war, with the USE moving troops into Confederate territory. This was known as the Arab War. During this war, the USE pushed the Confederate troops back all the way to Saudi Arabia. They then laid siege to the state for a month.

After the month long siege, the Saudi's laid waste to their oil fields. All around the state, international satellites showed plumes of smoke coming out of Saudi oil fields. (**DISCLAIMER: There has never been any definitive evidence to prove exactly why the Saudi's destroyed their oil reserves**

With the remaining oil in the world gone, the nations turn to the only form of alternative energy that was being widely produced in the world. Nations like the USE and the Confederacy turned their sights on the USA.

While the rest of the world was falling into turmoil over the new resource crisis, the United States prospered. The nation still had it's fancy technology and it's atomic weapon arsenal. The people there enjoyed theater performances, nice food, five star resorts, and other luxuries that were drying up around the world. The people were still living their American Dream.

On January 8th, 2045, 100 years after the second world war, the USE sent their troops to invade American territory. Their mission: steal the secrets of American technology to share with the rest of the world. They wanted their own slice of paradise.

The fight that followed would be over peace.

It would be over fairness.

It would be over the American Dream.

But like all dreams, it must come to an end.

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