A Price More Than Gold:

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In 2045, the world had begun running out of the most important resource on the planet... oil. All of the world's nations were dependent on the precious resource. The great nations at the time, like the AS, ESE, and the Confederacy were wholly dependent on oil to run their advanced technology and power their expensive lifestyles.

It seemed the only nation not dependent on the precious resource, was the United States. With their power over the atom, the world's superpower had become completely self-reliant. It produced it's own energy and had a strong economy.

But, in January, the United States of Europe had launched a land invasion of the United States. The mission of the invading force was to conquer the American technology and bring it's secrets back to the USE. American politicians and energy businesses were bent on not allowing the USE troops to succeed in their plans.

The first battle was a terrible tragedy for the USE. The battle, which was nicknamed the Battle of Sorrows by the people in Europe. The USE troops landed on the shores of Florida, close to the city of Miami. The battle could more accurately described as a massacre.

The USE had moved its troops into the city, expecting to meet little to no resistance from the United States military. At first their assumptions were correct. The USE troops marched through the city unopposed. Then the trap was sprung. The military marched in with a fighting force of two thousand soldiers. All of which were androids that had been engineered to fight in a domestic battlefield.

The USE troops had been taken out within hours. The battle ended with four hundred deaths on the USE side, and exactly two androids were decommissioned during the battle. One of which was repaired and sent back into the battlefield. The USE had learned they needed more allies in this battle.

By now, the asian nations of China, Japan, and Russia had joined together to form the Eastern Confederacy. The USE called on Confederate troops to help in the invasion, to which the Confederacy readily agreed. They invaded the United States on January 24th, 2045 from the Pacific Coast, and the USE launched a new campaign in the east .

The Confederacy invaded along the Pacific Coast, and the USE invaded from the Atlantic Coast. In the beginning, there was little progress for either the USE, Confederacy, or the United States. The battles between the invaders and the United States were confined to the coasts, and even then only in rural areas, as the armies still did not have the strength to push into either into the interior or the cities.

Finally, on April 8th, 2046, after over a year of fighting, the Confederates had a victory. They marched into the city of Seattle during the night and took the city by stealth. By the morning, the city was under Confederate control. There were many pro's to this victory: there was a large American city under their control, the city had a port that the Confederacy could use to move troops into America, but probably the most important advantage to this victory was the Nuclear research station to the south of the city.

Confederate troops marched from Seattle to the research facility on May 18th, 2046. They had over two hundred infantrymen, and about thirty tanks. The battle lasted about three days and was known as the Battle of the Atom. The small American force there held out against the onslaught of Confederate attacks for a while, but they eventually had to call a retreat. The Confederate's now had the American technology they were after.

The American government knew that they needed to get the research facility back under their control if they wanted to keep their technology a secret. American troops marched to the facility from the nearby city of Portland, Oregon. The Confederate troops repelled the attack with artillery.

Finally, the American leadership ordered airstrikes on the plant. They had completely given up on the prospect of getting the facility back, but still knew that the could not let the Confederates learn the secrets to nuclear energy.

So, beginning on June 13th, 2046, the American air force bombed the facility. At first, the Confederates showed no response to the bombings, but then, after three weeks of continuous bombings, the Confederate troops retreated to their strong hold of Seattle. When American troops marched into the facility, there was evidence that there had been some mass projects had been conducted there. It was not clear if there had been any break through.

After this, the American's turned their attention to the eastern invaders. The army attacked the USE stronghold of Miami in June of 2046.

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