Chapter 1- New life

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Alkira's pov -

Like a tiny seedling trying to emerge from its coat or that itsy bitsy spider that kept climbing until he reached the top where he wanted to be.

They have one thing in common; they never quit. Their persistence leads them to bloom and climb high.

The journey of fiber to fabric depends on the way it gets spun. It is a painful process going through pins and needles, but the end result is fabulous and worth all the effort.

So, that coal that goes under high pressure only comes out like a diamond. Shining and dazzling the world with its brilliance.

My mum used to say all these and more to keep me in high spirits whenever I felt down. But now, as she isn't here, all I have left of her are these memories that never fail to guide me through darkness and take me to light.

Even in her absence, I sometimes feel her with me going through all these motions and keeping me afloat. Right now, I was dealing with rogues so I needed all the help I could get.

Helen is with me and so does all of the pack's high-ranked members. Samuel- the former alpha, Helen- former Luna, Xavier- head of warriors, Daimen- beta, and Blake - gamma.

This meeting was about the rogue attack that our pack faced yesterday. We have gathered to decide what is to be done with the rogues that were left. Daimen talked to them and gathered information about the attack.

According to him, they were clueless and forced to participate in the attack otherwise their mates would be killed. They were nomadic wolves and got captured by these rogues.

I have to make the final decision. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

Rogues and I go back a long way. I still carry the scars that never fail to remind me of what I lost because of them. But not all of them are bad. I have to make decisions on the basis of what is right. An impulsive decision solely based on emotions is not correct.

These rogues have families too, and I would never separate a family. Taking a deep breath, I slowly released it and opened my eyes.

"They will be released. I will personally escort them to the border and watch as they leave, with a warning never to come near my pack otherwise there will be harsh consequences."

They nodded and left the room. I sat there trying to calm my rising grief. It would do me no good to get riled up over the past. But it is hard to forget the tragedy that cost your family.

The loss is so big that there remains a gaping hole in your chest that refuses to fill... to heal. You keep gasping for the last breath that was never meant for you.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt soft fingers wiping the tears away. Helen embraced me as I cried and let out the pain, the only way I was allowed to.

"Relax, Kira let it out, and be free of the pain that comes along. You are my brave girl."

She cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

"Now give me a smile, my Alpha."

I tried to smile.

"I know you could do better. A lift here and there and eventually it will come out."

My heart warmed at her antics to cheer me up. I smiled so wide my cheeks heart but it was so worth it. Her eyes shined with motherly joy when she saw that I indeed felt better.

"Now let's go. You have important duties to perform." She took my hand and led me outside.

They (rogues) were standing in a line awaiting my order. I looked at them in the eyes and as I started speaking my voice held an authority that demanded immediate action and left no space for mistakes.

I also gave them bags full of food so that they didn't have to hunt until they reached their destination. Most of them have little pups and hunting in a foreign territory will lead to harsh and unavoidable consequences.

They expressed their gratitude and left. I felt content and my wolf howled within me, giving her approval of my decision.

I didn't say anything to her. I don't need to. We have a connection that I feel gets deeper with time. She helps me learn more about myself. Most of the time, she remains a mystery to me. She talks to me whenever her mood strikes. It isn't that she is unapproachable. I can talk to her whenever I want to but, I too, seldom do that. We both share the joy of silence. Our connection is not bound by meaningless conversations.

But once in a blue moon, her old soul gets mischievous and we talk non-stop about anything under the sun. I love those days too. She completes me in a way I never knew.

With a last glance at their departing forms, I turned and stopped. My squad of warriors was standing there. All of them were ready for action at my word. I felt pride surge within me at their will to back up their Alpha even when she didn't ask for it. With a nod of appreciation, I left the ground. I mind-linked Xavier to let them off early in today's practice.

This is now my pack, my people. I will protect them till my last breath.

'We will.'

I smiled as I heard Sira's soft reprimand and amended my statement.

Yes, we will.

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