Chapter- 20 Home

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Alkira's pov -

We were currently sitting in the car and heading home. The atmosphere was suffocating, the air surrounding us laced with tension. Xavier was sitting in the front while Eden was driving. He was very experienced with roads and knew every possible shortcut. Daimen was sitting in the back with Samira. I was sandwiched between Rose and Adam in the middle seat. There was enough space but they both chose to sit very closely beside me. My left arm was looped with Adam's arm while my right one was with Rose's. Both of them were trying their hardest to pull me towards their side but I didn't let them.

The tension was due to the fact that they both were trying their best to gain my attention. I sighed and spoke the same thing for the umpteenth time.

"I love you both equally. You do not have to compete for my love."

They did not say anything just turned their head in the opposite direction. They are behaving like this after Adam and I broke our hug due to Rose's pained whimper. They both stared at each other. I noticed that Adam was looking at her like he was in some trance. His face showed awe but it lasted for a few seconds. As soon as Rose again opened her mouth and called me momma his face became blank and then I saw pain in his eyes which quickly turned into anger.

When Rose took a step forward and hugged my legs he out a low growl. I was shocked, to say the least. He has never behaved like that ever. It was the first time he heard someone calling me mom other than him. Normally, children in our pack called me by my name or alpha. I was feeling sorry for him but what could I do?

"Momma! Who is he? And why is he calling you his momma?" Rose asked me a question that i dreaded to answer. I opened my mouth to say something to her but Adam beat me to it.

"She is my mom." The way he said that made my heart contort with pain. His voice was low and heavy like he was about to cry if I denied that.

"No. She is my momma!"

"I am a momma to both of you. I love you both equally. You don't have to compete to gain my love." With that said I crouched down to Rose's level and kissed her forehead. I stood up and kissed Adam's forehead too. And that was the start of their silent battle.

I sighed. This was going to be a long ride.

After a few hours we were inside our territory and minutes later we stopped at the main door of our pack house. I gazed out the window and saw that Helen and Samuel were standing at the door along with Ana, James, and Blake.

The car door opened and everyone began to move out I too tried to go up to move but couldn't. Rose was trying to drag me out from her side while Adam was looking at me expectantly. I really don't know what to do.

I turned my head to Adam to ask him to let go of my hand as Rose is younger than him and could not understand my reasons right now. But before I could open my mouth he abruptly left my hand and got out of the car. He quickly moved out and walked inside without greeting anyone. Rose happily led me out and as soon as my feet touched the ground I was engulfed by someone in a big hug. I could easily tell from the constant blabbering who it was.

"Ana, I am okay." I broke our hug with the intention to introduce Samira and Rose to the rest but she once again hugged the life out of me.

"Let the poor girl breathe, Ana. She is still recovering." I mouthed thank you to Helen as I felt her arm loosen around me and then finally disappear. I turned and then announced cheekily.

"Okay, everyone! She is Samira my childhood best friend and Damien's mate."

At the mention of Damien's mate a squeal left Ana's lips and the next thing we know she is hugging her tightly.

"Finally! My grumpy brother found his mate. You are so pretty. I would love to spend time with you. We will go shopping and u, Kira, and I will have a sleepover and you will take my side so that she will spend some time with us as she is such a workaholic." She was rambling. I noticed that Samira winced a little when she hugged her. She was still sore from her beatings but didn't let us know her pain as she gave a small but genuine smile to Ana.

"I am not a workaholic. I am an Alpha and I have duties to perform."

"Oh please. We all know if you could have your way you would eat your meal with one hand as the other would be doing your work".

"Shut up. Let me complete my introduction."


"This cute little thing here is Rose," I said while moving her out of my legs. She was shy.

"Samira, Rose they are Helen and Samuel our former Luna and alpha, Blake my third in command, Ana my sister cum best friend. He is-"


A whisper of his name escaped Samira's lips and I mentally cursed myself.

"You are alive!"


His answer came out more like a question. He looked at me expectantly to give any answer on his behalf.

"He is Ana's mate. Let's get inside I am hungry and I think Rose too wants to eat your delicious chocolate chip pancakes, Helen." I said quickly to change the topic. It worked because as soon as the word hunger left my mouth Helen ushered us in. Samira smiled happily as I know chocolate chip pancakes is her favorite.

This was a very messy situation with Samira knowing about James. But I was happy that finally, I was at my home.

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