Chapter- 42 Caught Unaware

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Alkira's pov-

We were caught unaware but not unprepared. We fought like we trained.

No mercy.

We aimed to kill and did just that. Only one thing mattered and that was to win, to end it for once and all. We won't leave anything to chance and no second life to anyone.

But that sweet revenge was not fulfilled. It has to be left alone for the time being.

The reason was that he was more clever and had a little helper that we weren't able to pinpoint and capture in time. And it cost us big... something fierce.

Something that has me on edge ever since it happened. I was caught unaware and was paying the price for that.

My heart.

My wolf was the only thing that kept me calm and rationalizes my jumbled thoughts. She wasn't saying much except for her occasional 'everything will be fine and if anything happened you will be aware of it'. Her silence irked me. I feel that there is something that she isn't telling me and that is getting on my nerves.

What more she needs to hide from me? We have gone through so much. I do not think that there should be any more secrets between us even if it is for my own good. When all of this ends we will have a talk and I will make sure that I get my point across her thick wolf head.

She better has a reason this time otherwise we will be having a problem. And this time she won't be let off the hook so easily.

"Kira! You need to relax; if you will be this agitated then the rest of the pack will be in chaos. More than now it is." Helen spoke up a bit hesitantly.

I sighed and sat down on my chair. I took a long deep breath and slowly exhaled. Willing the tension to leave my body along with it.

Helen has never, not even once been wary of me. She is like a mother to me, always having a way around things, her way. I always look up to her whenever I need guidance. And now I was making her anxious, which was not good.

I looked at her with glassy eyes. She came over and hugged me. With my head on her stomach, she continued to run her fingers through my hair. A gesture that never fails to soothe me. I held her tight and let go.

My body shaking with gut-wrenching sobs, eyes wet with tears I let myself lose in her warmth. I needed comfort and she is my safe haven.

"They took him." I cried out. Still clutching her waist.

"I know my child!"

Looking up at her I saw that her eyes held pain but her face was a blank mask.

"How are you keeping together when I am breaking apart? They took Samuel too." I asked desperately so that I can be brave for my pack.

"Listen to your heart. What does it tell you? My heart says that Sam is okay. Yes, he is in pain but he is alive and that is all that matter." Her simple explanation put my fears at ease.

I closed my eyes and searched for our connection. It isn't strong but I pressed and waited. What felt like hours but only seconds later I sensed him.

My heart skipped a beat and I stilled.

Opening my eyes I looked at Helen and gave a wobbly smile.

"I have faith in you, my child. You will be okay. Take your time, compose yourself and meet me at the gathering hall. All of them are waiting for you to come and tell them what they need to do. I will handle them till you come" With that being said she kissed my forehead and left the room.

All alone in my office I thought for a while and came up with a single idea. We need to join forces and take matters into our hands. A lone wolf never wins and if we want to win then we need to join hands with others and make use of everything that we can find.

The only mistake we made was to let things rest for a while thinking that it will buy us time but instead, it gave Zen time to think and attack. He was a step ahead with the informer on his side and took advantage of it. But I will not let us affect that badly. Yes, I did not see this coming but I had trained myself and my people with everything I got and this setback is a minor one.

In the guise of a rogue attack, he has captured Keith and Samuel thinking that we will back down and do his bidding. If he thinks that holding them captive will give him an upper hand then he is in for a surprise.

I too have my people looking after him... I know that they were late to tell me about the attack but I will forgive them if they work for it. They were captured and held by rogues but that is not an excuse.

I came out of my thoughts when there was persistent knocking on my door.

This better be good.

'Come in.'

My blood boiled a little at the sight of them.

"If you are here for forgiveness you better have something important for me." I snarled.

"We have the location." Both of them said in unison.

A wicked smile graced my lips and they knew that they were forgiven.

Now he will pay for his mistakes.

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