Chapter 5

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Angel rubbed at her eyes as she climbed up the steps to her apartment. They burned from staring at a computer screen for the last five hours, needing to complete training before she could head out to the floor. It was a boring job, so far, but at least it would pay her bills. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed someone was leaning against her door. Recognition dawned on her as the girl turned to face her and the light hit her auburn hair.

"Tabby?!" she squealed as she hurried to the door. "What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Angel," her best friend said as she gave her a small, sad smile.

"Oh, no. What happened?" she asked as she gave the girl a hug before unlocking the door and inviting her in.

"I got into another fight with my parents," Tabitha said as tears filled her eyes.

"Oh, honey," Angel cooed. "What happened?"

"Dad got drunk again, and started hitting mom. You know, same thing that always happens. This time, though, he hit me when I went to my room." Tabitha took a deep, shuddering breath as Angel led her to the couch and made her sit down before walking to the little kitchen and filling a glass full of water for her. She took a sip as Angel walked to the bathroom, grabbed a roll of toilet paper, and came back to sit next to her. She gave her a small smile as she took the roll and unrolled a little bit to dab at her nose.

"Where'd he get you?" Angel asked, scanning her arms with her eyes.

"Back and shoulders. Nothing visible, as usual," Tabitha said. "But instead of just laying there and letting him wail on me, I snapped. I hit him back. Then mom started yelling at me when I kept hitting him. She slapped me and threatened to call the police on me, and I told her, "Go ahead! You do that, and I'll make sure you're both thrown in jail for child abuse." I told her that I'd taken pictures of all the cuts, and bruises they both had given me over the years." She swiped at her eyes again as the tears filled her eyes again, and took another breath. "Then she told me to get out and to stay out." She paused and gave Angel another small smile. "So, I packed my clothes, and drove here. I'm sorry, Angel, but it was the only safe place I could think of. Do you think I could stay with you? I'll get a job and help you out with the bills. I won't be in the way, I'll help keep the house clean, anything. But, please?" she pleaded.

Angel wrapped her arms around Tabitha. "Oh, Tabby, of course you can! And don't worry about it, I'm glad you came. I'll help you find a job, and get you transferred over here. If I gotta go to school, my dear, so do you," she said with a grin.


Angel spent the morning back in her old town as she and Tabitha convinced Tabitha's parents to sign over guardianship to her. They had no problems with the arrangement after Tabitha politely reminded her mother about the photographs she'd taken while living there. Once she had the papers, she'd found and copied them at the local library, filed with the county clerk, they then went to the old high school, and went about getting the papers they needed to enroll Tabitha in Durrow High.

The ride back to their new home seemed like it took no time at all, and soon, after a quick trip to the office, Tabitha had most of the same classes as Angel. Minutes before lunch, both girls were ready for the morning classes to be over so they could introduce Tabitha to Angel's new friends. Angel led Tabitha to the cafeteria to check what was being offered, and to wait for Tommy, Rachel, Amanda, Tiffany, Alex, and Bobbie.

"Ew, fish sticks," Tabitha said, wrinkling her nose. "I think I'm good." Angel laughed as she took her friend's arm and led her to the entrance of the cafeteria.

"It's okay, sweetie. I told you, we don't have to stick around on campus for lunch if we don't want to. We can go grab something, if you want. I just want to see the guys and let them know why I didn't show up like I promised this morning."

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