Chapter 21

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Jared paced back and forth in his office as he watched Dr. Morgan speak on the phone. He still felt uneasy about Angel's plan, but after watching her in the training field, he couldn't deny that she was more than capable of defending herself. His only concern had been her ability to heal Simon. He still had no idea how she had managed that one. He could only hope nothing happened to her when she used her gift.

He glanced at his mate as the doctor finally connected with Robert. She didn't look like she had been affected because of her selflessness, but he couldn't be sure she wasn't just hiding it from him.

Angel knew Jared was worried about her. She could feel his eyes watching her as Dr. Morgan spoke to Robert about the results of their DNA tests. Her sensitive hearing picked up every word the man said, even though he wasn't on speaker phone. Excitement laced every word he spoke.

"So you are certain, Angel is my sister's daughter?" Robert practically yelled into the receiver.

"Yes, Mr. Jordan-"

"Alpha," Robert interrupted the woman.

Angel had to stifle a giggle as she saw the normally composed woman roll her eyes before continuing.

"I'm sorry. 'ALPHA' Jordan. The tests came back sooner than we had expected, and they are conclusive. Angel is your sister's daughter."

"Wonderful!" Robert exclaimed. "That's excellent news! Now transfer me to your alpha."

Jared was the one who had to stifle the groan as he watched Dr. Morgan agree before hitting the hold button on the office phone.

"What a pompous ass!" Dr. Morgan grumbled under her breath before she turned to face the room. "You all caught that, right? It wasn't just me?"

"We heard him, Elena," Angel said as she nodded. "You did a wonderful job. I wouldn't have been able to talk to him with out yelling and cussing at him, so kudos to you."

Jared cleared his throat and everyone in the room fell silent as he picked up the receiver.

"Alpha Jordan," he spoke politely into the phone. "Dr. Morgan has just informed me of the results of your and Ms. Jacobson's DNA tests. Congratulations, sir. It would seem that you have a niece, and your sister wasn't lost to you, after all. A piece of her lives on."

"Yes, yes," Robert replied, impatience clear in his voice, "that's wonderful. When are you going to send her here?"

"Excuse me, Sir?" Jared asked, not hiding his shock at the man's imperial tone.

"I want my niece, Mr. Michaels. When can I expect to receive her here?"

"I understand you want to get to know your niece, Mr. Jordan, but I will have to remind you. Angel was not pack raised. The choice of whether she leaves this territory, and moves to yours is completely up to her."

Angel watched as Jared barely kept a lid on his anger. They had expected Robert to try to be high handed about her being his niece, and therefore conniving in his attempt to get her in his captivity, but no one in the room had expected him to come right out and demand she be returned like some lost possession.

"And I will remind you, boy, she was not raised in the pack. She has no clue what her rights are as a wolf. Hell, I bet she can't even shift, if it turns out her mother's kidnappers turn out to be human. If she can, I'm sure shes a small, puny wolf who can't defend herself."

Angel tensed as she heard all the derogatory things her mother's brother spouted off about her. If she didn't need for Robert to believe that Jared spoke to him alone, she knew she would have been snarling and trying to rip the phone out of his hands, just so she could give the man on the other end a piece of her mind. Instead, she vowed to herself, she'd kill him if given the chance.

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