Chapter 8

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Angel hurriedly ran out of the huge pack house. She had to get away from Jared before he told Tommy to stop her. She didn't really understand everything, but she knew one thing for certain.

Jared Michaels was her mate.

Once out the door and across the lawn to the surrounding woods, she shifted, not even taking the time to undress before she was in her wolf form. Almost immediately, she knew that was the wrong decision. Her wolf wanted to turn around and run back to the dominant Alpha she could feel reaching out to her. She forced herself to keep running. She was afraid of what might happen if she stopped. Would he come after her? Force her to stay with him? What?

She really didn't understand what would happen now. For all she knew, he would try to force her to quit school and raise puppies for the rest of her life. She really should have asked Tommy, or even Rachel.

She was so lost in her own thoughts and concentrating on not turning around and running back to Jared, it took her a few minutes to realize she was in the parking lot of her apartment. She was about to shift back into her human form when she realized she didn't have any clothes. Hers were shredded when she shifted, and she hadn't hidden any spare ones in the woods around her home. She couldn't show up on her doorstep in her wolf form. That would frighten Tabitha, not to mention, how would she explain where she came from when she emerged from the bedroom dressed? Or where the wolf had gone?

No, there were too many questions she would have to answer if she just showed up in wolf form. But then again, there would be plenty of questions to answer if she came home naked. She watched from the trees, trying to decide what the best course of action would be when she saw someone familiar walking up the sidewalk to her building.

A tall brunette boy shuffled back and forth before finally heading to her door. She shifted back into her human form and called out to him before he had a chance to knock.


She watched as the boy stopped and gave a quick look around, trying to discover who was calling his name. She quickly stood up, making sure her body was still hidden by the bushes that lined the parking lot, and waved at him, trying to get his attention. She gave a small sigh of relief when he finally noticed her, and started in her direction.

"Angel? What are you doing out here?" he asked her as he drew near her.

"I acted without thinking, and my clothes got shredded," she explained. "I haven't hid any new clothes out here yet, so I'm kind of stuck."

"Oh, man! That sucks. I've got a spare shirt and some sweats in my car, if you want to borrow them to get into your house. I'm assuming Tabitha doesn't know what you are?"

"No, she doesn't," Angel conceded. "I'd really appreciate it, if you don't mind. I've been so busy trying to get everything set up, I haven't had time to go for my runs, let alone stash my spare clothes here in case of emergencies."

"I'll go get those clothes for you. Don't move," Alex told her before he headed back to his car. Angel nearly gave him a snarky reply, but caught herself when she noticed the vehicle he stopped at.

It wasn't the usual dark SUV the gang usually drove to school. No, this was a silver '69 Camero. She didn't know much about cars, except where the gas tank was, how to check the fluid levels, and where the key went, but Angel thought this car looked FAST!

In moments, she was dressed in Alex's spare clothing, and they were making their way up the stairs to her apartment. A quick knock had Tabitha almost immediately opening the door, and they walked in. Angel just shook her head at her friend's quizzical look, and quietly made her way to her bedroom, leaving the other two teenagers to sit on the couch in her living room.

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