Chapter 35

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Presenting Chapter 35:D:D

Sorry for making you all wait long and I hope the end of the chapter makes you feel like it’s worth the wait:D:D

And This chapter is dedicated to @yoursecretx :D:D

Does she look furious in the pic on right??? >>>>>>


“Sister. She is your mirror, shining
back at you with a world of
possibilities. She is your witness, who
sees you at your worst and best, and
loves you anyway. She is your partner
in crime, your midnight companion,
someone who knows when you are
smiling, even in the dark. She is your
teacher, your defense attorney, your
personal press agent, even your
shrink. Some days, she's the reason
you wish you were an only child.”
― Barbara Alpert




I straightaway ran towards the pack house to say goodbye to the newly wedded couple. Everyone had returned to pack house from the venue.

When Sveta and Cam came out of the house we all clapped, cheered and wolf whistled. I was really happy for them.

When Sveta went to talk to her parents, Cam came and stood beside me.

“Thank-you” he said hugging me and ruffling my hair. I chuckled in his chest and he caught and twirled me. “If anything happens call me, Okay?” he said again and I shook my head.

“And ruin your honeymoon? Never bro” I said and he chuckled.

“I am serious” he said and I rolled my eyes. He then went to hug Jan while Sveta came and hugged me.

“This wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you” she said and sniffed. “Also tell thanks to Rett. He helped a lot in making this wedding perfect” she said and I nodded. “Love you”

“I love you too. Take care and enjoy your honeymoon” I said and she blushed.

She later went and hugged Jan who whispered something in her ears and I tuned to hear it. “… And I wasn’t the one to pack your bags. So, blame Alisha and Molly if there is something inappropriate” she said and Sveta widened her eyes and blushed deeper.

“I’ll go meet others” she said and left.

They were hugging and talking with others when Keith came driving my arrogant. He parked the car at the front and got out of it.

“You didn’t let me drive” Terence said glaring at me while I rolled my eyes at him.

“Templar, can I have a word” Keith asked me and I stared at him.

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