Chapter 41

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Hi people…. I’m Back:D

Here is chapter 41 for you all:D. This chapter is dedicated to @Klippingqueen :D

And a very jobless Shruthi did that cover>>>>


“The moon is a loyal
It never leaves. It’s always
there, watching, steadfast,
knowing us in our light and
dark moments, changing forever just
as we do. Every day it’s a different
version of itself. Sometimes weak and
wan, sometimes strong and full of
light. The moon understands what it
means to be human.
Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by
― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me




I looked at Jan and nodded once. She ran towards Felix with full speed. He was prepared for her and so using his hands he shoved her hard sending her flying backwards however Jan managed to land on her feet.

When Felix was shoving Jan I ran towards him and then kneed him on the chest. He crashed against the wall and then and I used that opportunity and caught his hair in a fist and pushed him hard against the cell gate.

There was a loud noise when his head collided with the Iron Gate that bent slightly with the force I used.

This was the moment I was waiting for all these years because I still remember the way he had banged me against the wall holding my hair, six years ago.

I smirked at that. It feels great when you get your revenge. “Finally” I breathed out.

He growled at me.

What happened next was something I wasn’t prepared for.

He punched me in the stomach and that sent me crashing to a nearby wall. I literally felt my stomach getting crumpled, and trust me that hurts like bitch.

There was a loud ferocious growl and I saw Rett had already shifted into his wolf.  Everyone present except me, Jan and Felix had shifted into their wolves.

I could see foam in the corner of Rett’s mouth when he gave a thunderous growl that shook the ground beneath me. I knew Rett could kill Felix within second but I wanted to do it on my own.

That is why I lunged at Felix when he was busy staring at Rett’s wolf. I punched his jaws and he took a step back. Jan who was standing behind Felix kicked him in the back.

I caught his neck and cornered him to a nearby wall. He then tried to hit my thighs but before that I pressed the heel of my boots on his feet.

The snarl that came from his mouth was worth it.

I kneed him in the groin twice and he fell on the ground.

There was a whimper of pain from him so I just stood near him and watched him cry in pain. But what I didn’t know was that the bastard was pretending to be in so much pain because he elbowed my thighs twice and that force me to bend down.

I won’t lie; it really did hurt a lot when he did that.

Holding my neck he shoved me hard to a nearby wall that collapsed with the force he used. Bricks went flying everywhere and few of them even fell on me.

Thinking about throwing a brick on someone is fun but that is where it stops, only thinking. You shouldn’t actually experience it falling on your head. Felix however didn’t seem to be bothered about the bricks.

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