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Manik was highly pissed off due to Nandini's irritated behaviour. It had been an hour and she had been continuously roaming in his room while Manik had been trying his level best to make her sit but she wasn't even once listening to any of his pleads. 
It was high time now and Manik's anger had reached upto it's peak, cause he couldn't bear it anymore.
" can you please just shut up. It's so irritating. Now just zip up your mouth. " He shouted making her scared as she kept a finger on over her lips while her eyes were ready to give away at any moment.

" good now sit quietly on bed I'll bring lemonade for you." He commanded as Nandini like an obedient kid sat quietly on the bed while he went downstairs.
After 5 minutes he came upstairs with a glass of lemonade in his hands but panicked in the next second watching Nandini crying as she hugged his pillow with all her might.

" Nandini. Nandini what happened? why are you crying?" watching her in that state got Manik in a state of panic.
" You are bad. Very very bad. " Nandini rubbed her eyes as her vision blurred.
" What have i done this time?" asked Manik as he sat in front of her.
" You . You shouted on me and moreover you also stole my bracelet from me. " Nandini complained like a 5 year old kid.
" oh i am so sorry. But wait what did you just say. I stole your bracelet. No. No. I did not." Manik was confused now before Nandini took out the bracelet that had the letter 'N' as she showed it to Manik
" but this is- " Manik was even more confused now as he couldn't understand the connection between the two women.
" Exactly. First you banged my car with yours. Then you spoilt my entire first day at my dream college. You also got me late for my first day at college. And. And you also stole my lucky bracelet from me. You are so bad." Nandini scolded him while she still kept swinging.

Now everything seems on its right place for Manik . He understood that it was Nandini whose car got bumped into his. She was the girl with those captivating eyes for which Manik instantly fell in love with.
" sorry. Now like a good girl finish this lemonade up and sleep. Look now you have got your lucky bracelet also. " Manik apologized as he held his ear with one free hand.
" Aww how sweet are you. I love-." Nandini said making Manik's heart skip a beat.
" You love- ? " Manik's breath hitched.
" i love your smile." saying so Nandini drank the entire lemonade in ine go and lied down as sleep took over while Manik was left in gape.

"Nandini i can't believe my eyes that you are that girl who's driven me nuts since the time we bumped into each other but i guess it's just that i am attracted towards you. I am not able to digest the fact that you are the one. Oh god manik today has become one of the best day of your life. Now i should sleep too but i want that tonight i won't dream about your eyes." Thought Manik as he watched her sleeping figure.

The dawn arised and Manik opened his eyes at the sight of Nandini coming out of the washroom.
" Oh you are awake actually it was- " he started to explain, not wanting to have a repeat telecast of the last time he had pulled a prank of her
" i know Navya called me up and told me everything. Also your attendant came to tell that breakfast is ready so you just freshen up. Okay?" she said while Manik nodded his head and got up from the couch, when Nandini who was going towards the door turned and said, "Manik."
" Thanks" saying so she went downstairs leaving a smiling Manik behind.

Soon after the breakfast, both Manik and Nandini headed towards Manik's car and this time without any argument Nandini sat inside surprising the former. All through their journey both kept silent when Nandini spoke all of a sudden.
" Manik actually i wanted to say.. You are not that bad. " she said.
" Thank god atleast now you do understand me. So friends? " he replied with a soft smile as Nandini hesitated for a moment before nodding her head in a positive.

A few minutes into the drive, Manik turned on the radio when the song "something" by The Beatles got played. Manik was about to change the channel but Nandini stopped him in between
" i like this song. " she said and the rest of the journey was neither silent nor a conversing one because their hearts were talking to one another.

The car halted infront of the college gate where all their friends were waiting for the duo to come so that they could begin with their practises.
Manik came out of the car and he opened the gate for Nandini while this time Nandini, unlike before chipped a thank you. Both of them headed towards their friends with smiles on their faces that even surprised their friends.
" What is wrong with them?" whispered Mukti to others.
" Strange " Said Alya.
" How are they walking like two best friends? " Asked Navya.
"hi guys. All set for today? " Cabir ignored the others as he greeted the duo.
" Hey. Cabir can you get the instruments ready?" Manik said as everyone walked inside towards the jam room but all of a sudden Cabir stopped Manik.
" What happened last night? Something lovey dovey. Had Nandini been drinking the love potion. " teased Cabir.
" Cabir my brother can you just shut up and watch. We are getting late. " replied Manik as he turned to leave but Cabir held him by his arm.
" No i wont go until you tell me the reason about this smile smile." Manik having no other choice told Vabir everything that happened between them. Since Cabir knew about Manik's Miss N, hence he was genuinely happy for his friend.
" but Manik isn't Nandini a little wierd, i mean crazy. " said Cabir.
" It's nothing like that Cabir  she is actually a very genuine person. Her smile can make a dead person alive. I know she's a bit crazy of course but it's because she lives her life to its full potential. " Manik explained unaware that all this while Cabir had been observing his angry mode best friend, now talking like a lovestruck teenager.
" Now why are you staring at me like that?" asked Manik when he noticed Cabir watching him.
" Manik you know what! you genuinely like her man. " said Cabir surprising Manik.
" It's nothing like that" the latter denied.
" just think about it." Cabir left Manik alone thinking upon his own feelings as he mumbled to himself, " I like her. Do i?"

Manik had been aimlessly walking around the campus not realizing that he had reached the front gate. He was remembering the way he got bumped into Nandini on the first day during at the traffic light.

Still lost in his thoughts, he went towards the auditorium where once he was forcefully dancing with Nandini as his mind replayed their first lecture and the way he got to know about her name during the roll call.

The way he was finding his Miss N in Nandini's eyes while on the fresher's party, how he had been lost in Nandini's song as she danced with the other boys. How he was fuming in anger and now finally getting the answer for his jealousy

That canteen incident when he got her food and Nandini's sweet innocent face when she was hungry. The way he held her hand in the classroom

And both the times when Nandini was drunk and irritating him to a huge extent. When he got to know the whole truth while Cabir's words kept ringing in his ears. You like her or maybe this could be more than thag.

Nandini walked upto him since she had been searching for him since a long time, " Manik everyone is waiting for you we have to start the practise. " she stopped him as she pulled him along with her towards the jam room while Manik was gawking at her like a lovestruck teenager
" Nandini i'll tell you soon how much i like you. And this time you will definitely say yes. " he thought.

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